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2007 JPCC Online Survey 40 responses with multiple responses to questions How did you hear about the JPCC? 19 JPCC 14 Utility 7 Vendor.

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Presentation on theme: "2007 JPCC Online Survey 40 responses with multiple responses to questions How did you hear about the JPCC? 19 JPCC 14 Utility 7 Vendor."— Presentation transcript:

1 2007 JPCC Online Survey 40 responses with multiple responses to questions How did you hear about the JPCC? 19 JPCC 14 Utility 7 Vendor

2 Question 1 How did you hear about the JPCC? 19 from JPCC email
14 from a utility 7 vendor

3 Question 2 How many years have you been attending? Avg. 4 years
50% new attendees 50% were from a utility that had participated in past 50% from new utility

4 Question 3 What keeps you coming back to the conference?
Interaction, feedback and vendors Info and networking (5) Networking with utilities Vendor contacts & utility specific topics Lots of good information (5) To keep abreast of new technology and to find out what may improve our processes Building relationships w/utilities I learned so much and met many valuable contacts Payment types and new processes, networking New products and services, feedback and multitude of info available and shared Small personalized and utilities only networking Topics discussed, participation by other utilities Issues related to processing and how they affect other utilities People and subjects It’s great!

5 What month would you like to see the JPCC?
FEB - 1 MAR – 1 APR - 1 AUG – 1 SEP - 3 OCT - 36 No preference – 3 Not during hurricane season – 1

6 What day(s) would you prefer the conference be held on?
M – W (1) T – Th (19) W – F (17) Any time (6)

7 In what city and state would you like to see the conference held?
So. Florida (1) Florida (1) Midwest (2) Central (2) East Coast New England No preference (9) Various locations as you do now (3) Atlanta (1) Boston (2) Charleston (2) Chicago (1) Denver (2) Columbia, SC Hawaii (1) Houston (1) L.A. (2) Las Vegas (5) New Orleans (1) Orlando (2) Nashville (3) Philadelphia San Diego (3) Washington (2) Warmer climates

8 What topics would you like to see?
BOC, ARC, Check21 Check Imaging, Payment remittance Walk-in bill payments Electronic payments New technology being used in industry More speakers, topics on NACHA/EFT/ACH rules Legislation updates

9 Topics Continued Emerging payment channels EDI payments
Payment processing efficiencies and how to structure no fee to customer programs Home banking, online payments, streamlining payment research ADA, SLA, reconciling vendor invoices Happy with agenda as is Web pay, convenience fees

10 Topics continued More credit card processing
Processing equipment and software What’s new ARC & Check21 Trends in payment processing Electronic bill Any new payment options Hot topics, mobile payments, electronic payments EFT payments auto posting to utility customer system Credit card payment issues

11 Topics continued PC banking Good as is Latest payment trends
SAL for utility and supplier ACH payments – we need the remit information electronically not just the deposit Electronic, wire transfers, ARC, BOC, in-person, TEL, WEB, mobile, ACH rules/regs/changes, UCC Uniform Commercial Code New payment laws or rules Problems/issues other utilities are having and how to best handle the latest and greatest in payment options New payment options

12 What other conferences do you attend?
AFP AGA/EEI (2) CEBP (2) Chartwell Chase Bill Pay Forum CIS (3) Postal conference Meter Reading NACHA (7) Postal Conference SSI TAWPI (2)

13 Comments I LOVE JPCC. If I had to choose between the big NACHA conference and JPCC I”d take JPCC. I get so much more from it, let alone the GREAT people I have met. Prefer sessions to be utility-driven, not vendor programs, in order to maximize the learning and participation by utility

14 Comments With more and more customers sending their payments electronically we noticed a definite increase in the volume of “checks only” payments recvd w/o bill stubs. We need to find ways to eliminate these paper items. Also a growing concern in converting customers mailed in paper cks to ABC or Check21 image files Will need to attend before I can give constructive feedback

15 Comments continued Very informative conference
Topics are always interesting and the interaction with others n my field is great! Looking forward to attending this conference (2) Let vendors have a round table discussion Looking forward to this year JPCC is the best conf I attend and I hope to keep attending

16 Name Change Survey Results
44 votes 34 Utility Payment Conference 10 Payment Conference

17 Share the news! Others in your company Peers in area Customers
Trade shows Classes

18 Keep Informed!
What’s new – updates will occur continually RFP opportunity for all utilities Questions for utilities and/or vendors Survey opportunities – registered vendors 2008 Conference presentation requests will go out in November – utilities and vendors

19 2007 JPCC Last Minute Information
CD’s will be mailed to each utility representative and the vendor contact Utility and Vendor contact lists will be ed following the conference Recycle your name tags Fill out your survey!

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