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AFRA Network for Education in Nuclear Science and Technology

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1 AFRA Network for Education in Nuclear Science and Technology
Dr. Nadir O. Hashim Department of Physics Kenyatta University National Coordinator – AFRA-NEST Mr. Felix Wanjala Assistant Liaison Officer Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board AFRA Counterparts Meeting at NACOSTI, 15 – 17 Nov. 2017, Nairobi, KENYA

2 Outline Regional Nuclear Education Networks AFRA-NEST National NESTS
Introduction Objectives Strategies Functions Network Structure Achievements National NESTS Roles Benefits Towards KEN-NEST

3 Regional Nuclear Education Networks

4 AFRA - NEST AFRA-NEST was Conceived at the AFRA Ministerial Conference held in Aswan in 2007 The Africa Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research Development and Training related to Science and Technology (AFRA) established the AFRA Network for Education in Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA-NEST) in order to implement AFRA strategy on Human Resource Development (HRD) and Nuclear Knowledge Management (NKM).

5 Objectives of AFRA – NEST 1
The main objective of AFRA-NEST is to facilitate operation and networking in higher education, training and related research in Nuclear Science (NS&T) in the African Region through: Sharing of information and materials of nuclear education and training; Developing harmonized approaches for education in nuclear science and technology in Africa by establishing reference curricula and facilitating mutual recognition of degrees;

6 Objectives of AFRA – NEST 2
Promoting effective cooperation and sharing of resources and capabilities at national and regional level; Facilitating the exchange of students, teachers and researchers; Serving as facilitator for communication between the network member organizations and other regional networks.

7 AFRA – NEST Strategy The strategies for implementing the objectives are to use ICT for web-based education and training, recognition of Regional Designated Centres (RDCs) for professional nuclear education in nuclear science and technology, organization of harmonized and accredited programs at tertiary levels and awarding of fellowships/scholarships to young and brilliant students for teaching and research in the various nuclear disciplines.

8 Functions of AFRA - NEST
The main function of the AFRA-NEST is to; foster sustainable human resource development and nuclear knowledge management to satisfy the needs of African countries with/without higher education in the priority areas of non-power and power applications of nuclear energy. host the Cyber Learning Platform for Nuclear Education and Training for the AFRA region (Ghana) AFRA-NEST is to integrate all available higher education capabilities in Africa as well as the industries in nuclear professional associations in synergy with existing IAEA and other regional/international nuclear educational institutions. AFRA-NEST is also to focus on encouraging senior nuclear professionals to share their experience and knowledge of young generation.

9 AFRA – NEST Priority Areas, Management Topics and Working Groups

10 Proposed AFRA-NEST Network Structure
Kenya (KEN-NEST) Nigeria (e.g. NGN-NEST) South Africa (SAN-NEST) Egypt (e.g. EGN-NEST) Etc. AFRA-NEST National Coordination

11 AFRA-NEST Achievements
1st General Assembly on Networking Nuclear Education and Training Tanzania26-30 Aug 2013 Cooperative Agreement b/w ENEN, AFRA-NEST, ANENT & LANENT IAEA HQGC 57, 2013 CS on Education Capability Assessment and Planning Framework IAEA HQ20-24 Jan 2014 AFRA-NEST Coordinators Seminar Abuja, Nigeria1-5 Dec 2014 AFRA-NEST Working group Workshop on Education Capability Assessment and Planning IAEA HQ1-5 Jun 2015 2nd General Assembly Zambia7-11 Dec 2015

12 Networking and Projects Formulation
AFRA-NEST 1st General Assembly, August 2013, Arusha, Tanzania

13 Knowledge Market Place
AFRA-NEST 1st General Assembly, August 2013, Arusha, Tanzania

14 Role of the National NEST
Participating in the ECAP Process, including development of national benchmarks and a strategy for education capability Monitor the sustainability of the nuclear education programmes by conducting an annual national audit of the indicators Preparing, distributing and compiling information related to HRD and NKM at national level, including visits to monitor, guide and evaluate progress made at institutional levels. Assisting in the identification of crucial needs in HRD and NKM and in the solutions of address them Participating in regular meetings to monitor and calibrate progress in the field of HRKD Providing information and data about HRD and NKM from the sector he/she represents. Participating in drafting questionnaires and reports related to HRD and NKM

15 Benefits of National NESTs
Widening academic and industrial collaboration, knowledge transfer and outreach; Facilitating access to nuclear research facilities; Developing harmonized approaches for education in NS&T in Africa by establishing reference curricula and facilitating recognition of degrees. Implementation of National NESTs complement the work of the HLSC and AFRA-NEST at the regional level. 11/29/2018

16 AFRA-NEST Upcoming Events
Educational Capacity Assessment Planning (ECAP) The main purpose of ECAP self assessment is; To understand existing strengths & development areas to enhance government education and industry interaction and coordination To help prioritize areas for action in Nuclear Science To support the implementation of an ECAP Assist Mission Also supports these broader objectives: To evaluate existing knowledge management practices Determines areas in need of improvement Provides feedback needed for improvement Ensures KM supports informed decision making (all levels) Ensures KM objectives aligned with strategy To communicate management goals or priorities To promote and motivate desired behaviour of employees (motivate knowledge sharing etc.) To stimulate learning and innovation The process can also be used for an independent, external review of an NPP operating organization in addition to a self assessment. The IAEA guideline (TECDOC-1586) is titled “Planning and Executing Knowledge management assist Missions for Nuclear organisations” 16

17 Towards KEN-NEST Baseline survey of stake holders (2013-15)
Human Capacity Research and Training Facilities Future Projections Formation of KEN-NEST (2016 -) Stake Holder Input Networking and Resource Mobilization Locally and Regionally Joint Training and NKM programs

18 Thank You Dr. Nadir Hashim

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