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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPING TREND OF THE"— Presentation transcript:

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment National Hydro-Meteorological Service DEVELOPING TREND OF THE NATIONAL HYDRO-METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE OF S.R VIET NAM Mr. Le Thanh Hai, Deputy Director General National Hydro-Meteorological Service Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Abu Dhabi, Feb 2017

2 OUTLINE I. Introduction of National Hydro-Meteorological Service (NHMS) A. Overview B. Review on RFSC Ha Noi’s activities II. Developing trend and implementing measures ( ) III. Difficulties and Challenges RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE

RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Seas and Islands Meteorology and Hydrology Geology and Mineral Resources Land Resources Environment Water Resources Survey and Mapping Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change National Hydro-Meteorological Service Dept. of Hydro-Meteorology and Climate Change RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change National Hydro-Meteorological Service Dept. of Hydro-Meteorology and Climate change The National Hydro-Meteorological Service is a state operational institution under MONRE, has the functions to assist the Minister in managing, exploiting the national hydro-meteorological station networks (including meteorological and hydrological basic investigations, forecasts, documentation), carrying out observations on air and water environment to serve disaster prevention and preparedness, socio-economic development, to ensure security and defense in over the country. RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE

6 Updated Information - New functions of NHMS: lightning positioning, climate change monitoring (Decision No. 77/2013 / QD - TTg dated 24/12/2013) Law on Meteorology and Hydrology approved on November 23, 2015 and takes effect on July 01, 2016. RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE

7 Organization chart of NHMS
MONRE Director-General 1. Tay Bac (Northwest) Viet Bac (Mid Northern) Dong Bac (Northeast) 4. Dong Bang Bac Bo (Red river delta) Bac Trung Bo (North central) 6. Trung Trung Bo (Mid Central) 7. Nam Trung Bo (South Central) 8. Tay Nguyen (Central Highland) 9. Nam Bo (Southern) Organization chart of NHMS Assistant Offices institutional units 1. Administration Department 3.Finance and planning Department 2. Personnel Department 4. S&T and International cooperation Department 5. Aero- Meteorological Observatory 6. Center for Application of Hydro-Met. Technology 7. Hydro-Meteorology Survey Detachment 1. Central Hydro-Met. forecasting center 2. Hydrological, Meteorological and Environmental Station Network Center 3. Hydro-meteorological Data and Information Center 4. Project Management Office Regional Hydro-Meteorological Centers

8 NHMS’s local units 9 Regional Hydro-Met. Centers
54 Provincial Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting Centers Observation station networks RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE

9 Hydro-meteorological data collection
Surface Meteo. Stations: Raingauge sites : 889 ( ) Radiation: 14 Hydrological Stations: 232 Marine Met. Stations: 23 Aero- Meteorological Observation Radiosonde stations: 6 Wind-gauge by theodolite: 8 Ozone and UV : Weather radars: Air and water environment observation stations: 179 Automatic stations: 10 Dust/rain water quality : 16 River Water Quality : 51 Reservoir water quality : 4 Coastal water quality : 6 Salinity : 91 Climate Change Monitoring Station: 1 Satellite receiving and processing station Data available: Geostationary satellite (48sets/day): MTSAT-1R, CMACAST, Polar-orbiting satellite: NOAA series and FY-1D, Himawari 8. Microwave: Internet

GTS Polar satellite (NOAA, Aqua, Terra) Geostationary satellite (MTSAT, FY) cloud images Weather RADAR (7) Satellite image receiving system Radio-sonde (5) Ship Observation Met. stations:174 Hydro. stations: 232 Rain gauge:764 Wind Profiler Automatic station Information Collecting and Processing Center Warning, Forecasting End users Marine Hydro-Met. (18) RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE 10

International data exchanging stations: 34 SYNOP STATIONS 15 CLIMAT STATIONS 4 PILOT STATIONS Exchanging data format: Traditional Alphanumeric Codes (TAC) Table Driven Code Forms (TDCF) A new MPLS connection: Hanoi – Tokyo: will be implemented in 2017 RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE

12 Delivery of meteorological and hydrological forecasts and warnings
Gov. agencies, CCFSC, NCSR GTS Intl. centers Fishing boats Media Local government Delivery of meteorological and hydrological forecasts and warnings Central Hydro-Met. Forecasting Center Telephone, Fax Provincial forecasting centers Regional HydroMet. Centers community GTS, Coast Broadcasting Radio, Internal Hydro-met. radio Specialized services Web: RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE

13 B. Review on RFSC Ha Noi’s activities
I. INTRODUCTION OF NHMS B. Review on RFSC Ha Noi’s activities

14 B. Review on RFSC Ha Noi’s activities
Purposes of the Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP) for Southeast Asian (SeA) and the role of Ha Noi as the Regional Forecasting Support Center (RFSC) in SWFDP-SeA Activities in 2016: the demonstration phase

15 Purpose of SWFDP-SeA (1)
Sharing global forecast from international centers and regional forecast running from Viet Nam (both deterministic and ensemble forecasts) Providing guidance for short range (1-2 days) and medium range (3-5 days) based on NWP products for strong wind (over 30 kts and 50 kts) and heavy rainfall (over 50mm/24h and 100mm/24h). These guidance were created by RFSC-Hanoi NHMs joined to the SWFDP-SeA project (Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippine and Myanmar as an observer) can use the SWFDP-SeA guidance to enhance their forecasts

16 Purpose of SWFDP-SeA (1)
All products have been sharing at website (password protected), including: Global and regional forecast products (including both deterministic and ensemble) Observations over the Southeast Asia domain: satellite data, satellite based products 1-5 days guidance for heavy rainfall and strong wind areas based on NWP products

17 Examples of deterministic products (global and regional forecasts)

18 Activities in 2016: the demonstration phase
NWP and other products Updating GME (DWD) to ICON system (13km) Adding regional products: WRF-ARW and COSMO MTSAT to Himawari-8 Sharing some useful products: satellite-based precipitation estimation from SCOPE project, RMSC Tokyo/New Delhi Collaboration Working with RMSC Tokyo to release the guidance in case of having Tropical storm or tropical cyclone over the Southeast Asia domain Guidance products Providing short range and medium range guidance since Jan-2016 Issuing every 0800UTC-0900UTC from Monday to Friday

A. NHMS B. RFSC RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE

20 Investing in infrastructure development
Developing our station network ( ): Surface Meteo. Stations: 454 Raingauge: 755 Radiation: 18 Hydrological Stations: 640 Marine Met. Stations: 77 Aero- Meteorological Observation Radiosonde stations: 11 Wind-gauge by theodolite: 14 Ozone and UV : Weather radars: 21 : Building 2 data centers, the main one in Hanoi and the backup one in Hochiminh City In 2017: We are going to complete the infrastructure of Hanoi DC; We will implement a new Supercomputer System to run numeral weather predicting models; we will get 3 new Japanese radars for our radar network Have no tools for compositing radar data RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE

21 Building a centrelized database system
Building a centrelized database system: All data would be collected to the Center DataHub for processing, storing and sharing with other units Our database will be redesigned with the centrelizing trend Upgrade and build new software tools to be able to operate compatibly with the new centralized database Changing the attitudes and awareness of our staff with the new centerlized database system, thereby changing the thinking and awareness as well as ways of organizing work and human resources, ... accordingly (This is the most difficult problem is encountered) RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE

22 B. RFSC - Updating HPC system at NCHMF in to Tflops which can help downscaling to 2-3km NWP in operation over SeA domain - Applying the results of WMO fellowship program at ECMWF (main topic is on verification for Viet Nam) for other countries over SeA (need local data and global/regional NWP archives) - Discuss with WMO and member of SWFDP-SeA for the next steps of RFSC and SWFPD-SeA (capabilities of Viet Nam)

23 III. Difficulties and Challenges

24 A. NHMS Need more funding to carry out investment in infrastructure development. Do not have appropriate tools to composite our present radar data The countries in our region need to have a solution to be able to share radar data. Research on WIGOS Metadata (OSCAR) to build applications in a centerlized database system. RECO-7 in Regional Association II, Feb 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE

25 B. RFSC - RFSC’s Ha Noi need to enhance the knowledge of forecast experiences over different countries in Southeast Asian domain - Limitation of regional NWP: The horizontal resolution and data assimilation of local data (radar, observation) Verification information of different countries

26 Thank you !


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