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Aim: Energy & Nutrients in Ecosystems

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1 Aim: Energy & Nutrients in Ecosystems
Enter Date Warm-up: HW: Regents Biology

2 Food chains Feeding relationships
Level 4 Food chains Tertiary consumer Sun Top carnivore Feeding relationships all food chains start with energy from the sun first level of all food chains is plants all levels connect to decomposers Level 3 Secondary consumer Carnivore Level 2 Primary consumer Herbivore Level 1 Producer Fungi Decomposers Bacteria Regents Biology

3 10% Rule: Loss of energy 90% of energy lost between levels of food chain To where is the energy lost? The cost of living! 10% growth only this energy moves on to the next level in the food chain energy lost to daily living 35% cellular respiration 55% waste (feces) Regents Biology

4 Limits to population size
Food chain can only have 4 or 5 levels only 10% of energy is passed to next level each level up the food chain can support fewer and fewer organisms Regents Biology

5 Food chain pyramid Loss of energy between levels of food chain
can feed fewer animals in each level Population size 10 100 1,000 10,000 Regents Biology

6 Energy flows through… producers (plants) sun secondary consumers
(carnivores) loss of energy sun loss of energy primary consumers (herbivores) loss of energy producers (plants) Regents Biology

7 Food webs Food chains are linked together into food webs
predators eat different kinds of prey Regents Biology

8 Regents Biology

9 But what about nutrients?
Decomposers return nutrients to the soil after creatures die fungi bacteria n u t r i e s decomposers Regents Biology

10 Nutrients cycle around… through decomposers
consumers decomposers producers phosphorus potassium iron carbon nitrogen soil magnesium calcium Regents Biology

11 So what controls population size?
Natural controls abiotic sunlight, temperature water nutrients biotic predators diseases parasites competitors food nesting sites Regents Biology

12 Carrying Capacity Maximum population size supported by the environment
Regents Biology

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