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The Treble Clef Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "The Treble Clef Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Treble Clef Staff

2 This is a treble clef

3 5 lines and 4 spaces make up the staff

4 The notes go on the lines and spaces

5 If you separate them they look like this...

6 To remember the lines we use the sentence Every Good Boy Does Fine
Always starting at the bottom and going up

7 The space notes spell FACE which rhymes with SPACE….Space equals FACE

8 Remember it does not matter what kind of note it is
Remember it does not matter what kind of note it is. It matters where it is on the staff... These are all on space A...they are just different rhythm lengths. So, the first one is an A for 4 beats. The second is an A for 2 beats, then 1 beat then ½ a beat...and so on. THEY ARE ALL AN A!

9 Let’s practice! What note is this?

10 If you said B, you are correct!!

11 Let’s practice! What note is this?

12 Did you say A? You’re right!!

13 Let’s practice! What note is this?

14 If you said E, you are correct!!

15 Now it is time to practice on your own! need to be able to show understanding of the notes before you get your recorder, so please do not just cheat! If you don’t understand, let a friend help you learn!

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