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Thirty Years’ War.

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1 Thirty Years’ War

2 Review of Religious Wars
Martin Luther – 95 Thesis (1517) HRE – Peace of Augsburg (1555) Lutherans vs. Catholics France – Catherine de Medici/Henry of Navarre/Calvinism/St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572)/Edict of Nantes (1598) Philip II (r ) “Most Catholic King” Netherlands/Elizabeth I/William of Orange

3 Overview of Thirty Years’ War
Series of wars in Central Europe (HRE) HRE divided into 2 camps (Prot/Cath) When tensions rose, each side would court the aid of outside powers (Brit/Neth/Spain/Denmark/France/Sweden) Begins w/ HRE Emperor Ferd II & Bohemia Religious basis, but also territorial & political Changed map of Europe Peace of Westphalia – 1648 (130 years after Luther’s 95 Thesis)


5 The Struggle Continues
The 7 Northern Provinces repeatedly ask Protestant Queen Elizabeth for help 3 developments force her hand: 1. War in the low countries hurt the English economy 2. Murder of William of Orange in 1584 3. Collapse of Antwerp appeared to signal a Catholic sweep through the Netherlands. Result? Eliz pumps 250,000 pounds and 2,000 troops into the Protestant cause in the low countries between

6 II. Philip II Phil needed the Netherlands so he could use the ports to stage a major invasion of Eng when the opportunity arose. He pinned his hopes on Mary Queen of Scots and backed her plot to kill Elizabeth Mary is found out – beheaded The pope promises Phil a lot of gold when Spanish troops land in England. 5. Farnese (Duke of Parma) argued that to subdue the Dutch, Phil needed to conquer England & cut-off this source of Dutch support.

7 III. Spanish Armada May 9, 1588 – 130 vessels meet an English fleet of about 150 ships in the Eng Channel Parma wasn’t ready  so the fleet anchored offshore of the Netherlands English launch “fireboats” – Spanish captains flee…next day only a few Sp ships left Why were the Spanish defeated?

8 IV. Defeat of the Spanish Armada
Did NOT diminish flow of silver from New World The defeat DID prevent Philip from re-imposing religious unity on Western Europe by force. The borders of 1581 became permanent In 1609 = Phil agreed to a truce…the United Provinces were independent.

9 V. Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) Pre-conditions for war:
Germany – fragmented German princes against unification because? By 1600 – HRE almost = divided b/t Luth and Cath Nations like France & Sweden waiting to take shots at the empire and take land

10 VI. Ecclesiastical Reservation
Peace of Augsburg attempted to freeze territorial holdings of Luth and Cath BUT What a mess!!!

11 VII. Calvinism and Frederick III
A Calvinist & Elector Palatine Another mess!!! Calvinism NOT recognized by the Peace of Augsburg as an official religion

12 VIII. Why did Lutherans fear Calvinists?
They threatened the peace & security of Augsburg Bold missionary forays into the empire Their outspoken criticism of Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist – this shocked conservative Lutherans

13 The Stage has been set for the
IX. Why did Cath France support the Palatinate Protestant defensive alliance? Keep the HRE divided and weak A defensive alliance to tick-off Spain Henry IV was a former Protestant The Stage has been set for the Thirty Years’ War

14 Defenestration of Prague
“Defenestration” literally means throwing someone out of a window Protestant nobility in Prague (Czech) throw Ferd II’s (a Habsburg) regents out of a window They were angry because he revoked the religious freedoms of Bohemian Protestants. Ferd II becomes HRE Emperor one year later The Bohemians refuse to recognize him as HRE Emperor Bohemians declare Fred V (a Calvinist) their overlord. The Thirty Years’ War is On

15 X. Bohemian Period (summary)
Civil war in Bohemia between Catholic League and the Protestant Union – led by Frederick the elector of the Palatinate. Bohemians fighting for religious liberty and freedom from Hapsburg rule. Bohemians lose to Catholic forces led by Ferdinand II (HRE Emperor) Within 10 years Bohemia was completely Catholic b/c of forcible conversions and activities of militant Jesuit missionaries.

16 XI. 2nd – Danish – Phase of the War
So called b/c of King Christian IV of Denmark who was persuaded by Eng, Fr & Dutch to resist Cath League A Protestant and an ineffective leader, he was defeated by Maximillian Ferd worried Max too difficult to control, hires Albrecht of Wallenstein (A Protestant mercenary) to spy on Max Wallenstein hugely successful. Commands an army of 100,000 and becomes a law unto himself (plundered at will)

17 STILL…he had broken Protestant resistance which allowed Ferd II to issue the Edict of Restitution:
Reasserted Cath safeguards of Peace of Augsburg Reasserted illegality of Calvinism (so unrealistic at this point) Ordered the return of all church lands acquired by Lutherans since 1552 (another hugely unrealistic demand) 6. The Edit of Restitution reignited resistance of Protestants and anti-Habsburgs)

18 KNOW Bohemian Period: Defenestration of Prague
Danish Phase: Edit of Restitution Swedish Period: Gustavus Adolphus French (International) Phase: Wallenstein Peace of Prague

19 1648 – Peace of Westphalia Brought all hostilities to an end.
Rescinded Ferdinand’s_______________ Reasserted major feature of Peace of Augsburg: Gave Calvinists____________________ Proclaimed the independence of:_______ _________________________ 6. Recognized sovereignty of___________

20 Results The Treaty marked a turning point in:
Conflicts over religious faiths

21 Germany After Thirty Years’ War
Brandenburg-Prussia emerged as the: Destruction led to: Entire areas of Germany Mercenaries: In sum, this war effectively ended:

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