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Informative Paper.

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1 Informative Paper

2 Topic Selection 3rd Period – Food 1. Pick a food 2. Research the history of the food 3. Write a paper discussing the history, where it is eaten, how is it marketed?, what are the ingredients of the food 4. Create a PowerPoint Presentation

3 Topic Selection 6th Period- Pick a Country Research
President/ King/ Something Else? Where is it located? How long has it been a country? Currency? Population? Flag? Famous Landmarks/ Tourist Sights 3. Write a paper based on your research 4. Create a PowerPoint Presentation

4 Notecards Find 10 different Sources (write each source on a notecard and 3 facts from the source on the back) 4 Must be a non-internet based medium. (Newspaper, Magazine, Book, Encyclopedia, etc…) Other 6 can be internet sources (.edu, .gov, .org are best)

5 Grading Paper must be at least 4-5 pages
Paper must contain at least 8 sources Paper must have a bibliography (Works Cited) Paper must be typed Paper must have an accompanying PowerPoint (3-4 minute Speech)

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