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Warm Up.

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1 Warm Up

2 WARM – UP What is Mr. Belin’s Cell Phone Policy? NO CELL PHONES or ear buds During Instruction (unless otherwise allow for lesson) !!!!!!!!!!!

3 Statistics Vocabulary
A QUANTITATIVE VARIABLE takes numerical values for which it make sense to do arithmetic operations like adding and averaging. A CATEGORICAL VARIABLE records which of several groups or category an individual belongs to.

4 Classify each as Quantitative or Categorical.
a.) Time it takes to have pizza delivered. b.) Taste rated on a scale from 1 to 5. c.) Type of pizza (supreme, cheese, etc…) d.) Type of Crust (thin, stuffed, etc…) e.) Age of delivery person. f.) Cost of pizza. g.) Zip Code of delivery area.

5 Ask 100 randomly chosen people the following 6 QUESTIONS…
PROJECT #1 Ask 100 randomly chosen people the following 6 QUESTIONS… #1 A Quantitative question… #2 A Quantitative question directly relate or, associated to your question #1 #3 A Quantitative question NOT related or associated to questions #1 or #2… #4 A Categorical question… #5 A Yes or No question… #6 Gender

The W’s of Data Collection and Analysis : Who, What, Why, When, Where, and How. WHO: INDIVIDUALS – the objects described by a set of data. Examples: Respondents, Participants, Subjects, Experimental Units, or Observations = xi

7 WHAT: A VARIABLE is any characteristic of an individual.
The DISTRIBUTION of a variable tells us what values the variable takes and how often it takes these values. Ex. Histograms.

8 WHY: To make an INFERENCE - the process of drawing a conclusion about a population on the basis of sample data.

9 Where and When: How: Location and Time Period Survey (Sampling)
Experiment Observational Study

10 As an employee of Pizza Hut, your boss has put you in charge of marketing a New kind of Pizza. Using the 6 W’s, how would you precede? Be detailed!!! Who, What, Why, When, Where, and HoW.

11 Homework: Page 16: 2-10 even

12 Homework: Page 16: 2-10 even Page 16 # 2: Who – 30 similar companies.
What – 401(k) employee participation rates Why – the company in question is concerned that its employee participation rate is lower than the rates of similar companies When – Around1992 Where – United States??? How – Companies were “sampled”, using a survey. -Quantitative

13 Homework: Page 16: 2-10 even

14 Homework: Page 16: 2-10 even Page 16 # 4:
Who – Winners of Best Actor or Best Actress Oscars.. What – Age (in years) Why – To compare age distributions of actors and actresses When – From the beginning of the Academy Awards to the present????? Where – United States??? How – It appears that this information was collected from a census (Observational Study) -Quantitative

15 Homework: Page 16: 2-10 even

16 Homework: Page 16: 2-10 even Page 17 # 12: Who – Students
What – Age Race # of Absences Grade Level Reading Score Math Score Disabilities Why – State record keeping requirements When – Not specified Where – Not specified How – Collected by student observation (all students) -Quantitative -Categorical -Quant. -Categ. -Quant. -Quant. -Categorical

17 Data Tables The following data table clearly shows the context of the data presented: Notice that this data table tells us the What (column) and Who (row) for these data.

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