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Día de la Independencia de México

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Presentation on theme: "Día de la Independencia de México"— Presentation transcript:

1 Día de la Independencia de México
16 de septiembre (NOT Cinco de mayo)

2 Facts about Mexico: 4th largest country in the Western Hemisphere
1/5 the size of the U.S. 460,000 square miles Capital- Mexico City Republican Government The Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. 2 seasons: dry season (Oct.-April) and the rainy season (May-September) Official language- Spanish Religion -Catholicism

3 The Mexican Flag Green -independence White -religion Red -Union.
Eagle -Mexican People, the combative stance Snake -Mexico's enemies. The snake being devoured by the eagle means that the Mexican people will prevail over their enemies. Nopal -Mexico's challenges and trouble; the eagle defiantly standing on them means that the Mexican people will overcome these challenges. Earth and Water symbols -Mexico's indigenous origins Laurel and Oak leaves -victory and the martyrdom of those who have given their lives for Mexico

4 History Indigenous peoples were the first to inhabit Mexico. (Olmec, Teotihuacan, Maya, Toltec and Aztecs)  After Christopher Columbus “discovered” America, the Spaniards carried out expeditions to find gold and riches.

5 The Spaniards were lead by an ambitious man: Hernán Cortés
The Spaniards were lead by an ambitious man: Hernán Cortés.  At this time, the Aztecs had built a great empire that ruled over all Mesoamérica. So the Spaniards decided to direct their attacks towards them.

6 The indigenous nations were tired of the Aztec rule, the physical and economic hardships.
Due to these circumstances, they felt that by helping the Spaniards defeat the Aztecs, they would be better off.  This is how the Conquest of what is now Mexico began.

7 On August 13, 1521, Cuauhtémoc, the last Aztec emperor was captured.
The indigenous allies of the Spaniards raided Tenochtitlan, capital of the Aztec empire. This was the beginning of three centuries of Spanish rule. The new colony was named Nueva España, New Spain.

8 The years that followed were devastating.
The conquerors brought with them diseases. There were approximately 20 million Indians before the Conquest, and after one century of Spanish rule there were only 1 million left!

9 Colonial society was highly stratified:
Spaniards born in Spain Criollos, those born in Mexico from Spanish parents Mestizos, the mix- blood offspring of Spaniards and Natives Indios, Native Indians Negros, African slaves. Each socio-ethnic group had different rights and duties. Discontent steadily grew. Criollos were always treated as second-class    It is no surprise then, that Criollos were the spark that ignited the Independence movement.

10 In  1808, Napoleon invaded Spain, and decided to impose his brother José Bonaparte, as king of Spain ( ).  The Criollos found this to be the opportunity to seek their independence form Spain.

11 It was 1810, and their plan was to start the war on the 2nd of October
It was 1810, and their plan was to start the war on the 2nd of October.  Unfortunately, their plans were discovered in early September. The movement was in trouble. They had two alternatives; either abandon their plans, or move faster and start the revolt immediately. 

12 In the late hours of September 15, 1810, a priest named Miguel Hidalgo (known as the father of Mexico’s Independence), accompanied by several conspirators –Iganacio Allende, Doña Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez-   rang the bell of his little church, calling everyone to fight for liberty. 

13 Father Hidalgo rallied the people to fight
Father Hidalgo rallied the people to fight. He gave the Speech that is now known as “Grito de Dolores”. He said “Viva Mexico” and “Viva la independencia”. These words are still said today at all Independence Day celebrations. This was the beginning of the Independence War, which lasted 10 years.   

14 El Grito El Grito is celebrated at every Mexican Independence Day. On this day Mexicans all over the world celebrate Mexico’s independence from Spanish rule.

15 Streets, houses, buildings and cars are decorated everywhere in the country.
On every street corner there are vendors selling flags, balloons, sombreros, rehiletes, and shuttlecock, all green, white and red. Flags wave from every house and building.      

16 During the evening of September 15, people start gathering in the zócalo.
Many people walk around dressed in typical Mexican dress: men as Charros and women as China Poblanas, or indigenous dresses. Those who don't own a typical outfit, at least dress find something to wear in the colors of the flag.

17 Live Mariachi Music bands play to the delight of all present.
There are also photography stands where one can have a picture taken, attired with a sombrero and atop a wooden horse!

18 The President delivers the grito in Mexico City’s zócalo.
It is in this plaza, atop Palacio Nacional, that the original bell rung by Hidalgo is placed. And this is the bell that is rung every 16th of September.  The ceremony reaches the high point when the crowd joins in proudly shouting VIVA MÉXICO!  When the grito ceremony ends, the sky lights up with multicolored rockets that shower our hearts with the pride of knowing that we are a free and independent nation.

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