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The Clinton White House

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1 The Clinton White House
Attempts at Reform Gays in the Military Health Care Brady Bill (‘93) Deficit Reduction Violence on the Fringe ‘93 – First WTC bombing ‘95 – Oklahoma City bombing April ‘99 - Columbine

2 The Clinton White House
Political Maneuvers 1994: Midterm elections – Republican landslide – “Contract w/ America” Clinton re-elected Clinton accommodates conservative trend Welfare Reform Act of 1996 Affirmative Action under attack Free Trade: NAFTA, China – Most Favored Nation status, WTO

3 The Clinton White House
A Surging Economy Longest period of sustained growth in American history – produced balanced budget in 1998, then surpluses Unemployment – 4% Internet / high-tech businesses helped U.S. avoid the “Asian flu” in ’97 Free Trade: A Clinton Priority NAFTA (‘93) WTO (‘94) – took place of GATT – WTO meeting in Seattle ‘99, massive protests – new economic order? Exploitation? China – most-favored nation status

4 The Clinton White House
Domestic Issues “Big Tobacco” Gun Control Starr Report – Scandal & Impeachment $40 million and no evidence of official wrongdoing, only civil court perjury on Lewinsky issue Monica Lewinsky / Paula Jones Late ‘98: House impeached (perjury, obstruction of justice) Early ‘99: Senate acquitted

5 The Clinton White House
Foreign Affairs – Madeleine Albright Sec. of State End of Cold War brought confusion Somalia (‘93) – “Black Hawk Down”, U.S. withdraws in ’94, no action taken in Rwanda ‘95 Haiti – Aristide returned to power ‘94 Serbia/Bosnia/Croatia – inaction of the West 1999 – Kosovo – NATO peacekeeping force Middle East initiative Clinton not an isolationist

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