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LUCAS Task Force Taking stock.

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Presentation on theme: "LUCAS Task Force Taking stock."— Presentation transcript:

1 LUCAS Task Force Taking stock

2 Taking stock Based on the input provided by task force members, additional inquiries have been implemented related to the future LUCAS. LUCAS grants results LUCAS user needs Legal base Methodological aspects are discussed separately

3 LUCAS grant results Applications
Grants 2012: DE, EL, IT, NL, NO, PL, PT Grants 2014: AT, FI, FR, HU, IT, RO 2012 2014 Part A (statistics) 7 6 Part B (survey) 3 +2

4 LUCAS Grants results – Part A
Statistical tables (NL - georeferencing), IT – stratification…) Quality assessment: using LUCAS points, Problem categories for LC: shrubland, grassland, wetland, bare land… Problem categories for LU: industry, commercial vs. financial, transport… Use of European data sets Updated dataset

5 Portuguese Agricultural Parcel Identification
Theme  LUCAS COS'07 Level 5 NFI Agricultural Census Portuguese Agricultural Parcel Identification Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 LAND COVER (LC) Portugal A ARTIFICIAL LAND A10 Built-up areas High (1:M) Medium (1:1) Null Poor (1:1) A20 Artificial non-built up areas B CROPLAND B10 Cereals Medium (M:1) Poor (M:1) B20 Root crops B30 Non-permanent industrial crops B40 Dry pulses, vegetables and flowers B50 Fodder crops B70 Fruit, nuts trees and berries B80 Other permanent crops C WOODLAND C10 Forest FAO C11 broadleaved (75%) C12 coniferous (75%) C13 mixed C20 Other wooded land (FAO) Medium (1:M) C30 Other wooded land (non- FAO) Poor (1:M) D SHRUBLAND D10 Shrubland with sparse trees High (1:1) D20 Shrubland without trees E GRASSLAND E10 Grassland with sparse trees E20 Grassland without trees E30 Spontaneous vegetation F BARE LAND AND LICHENS F10 Rocks and stones F20 Sand F30 Lichens F40 Other bare soil G WATER G10 Inland water bodies G20 Inland running water G30 Coastal water bodies G50 Glaciers, permanent snow H WETLAND H10 Inland wetlands H20 Coastal wetlands


7 LUCAS Grant results – Part B
Full LUCAS implementation is the exception IT: agricultural survey, no possibility to collect additional parameters NO: update cycles different PL: to be developed, different methodology Methodology: IT, PT

8 Conclusion on grants Statistical data
Mixed situation for basic classes Few detailed classes covered In-situ data Few use cases Integration of survey difficult Integration of survey results

9 LUCAS user needs - assessment
Updating 2013 user needs Bilateral meetings with each DG Detailed survey: General user needs Legal references Classification for statistical tables Classification for in-situ data & all LUCAS in-situ elements

10 LUCAS user needs – general
Statistical tables In-situ data

11 LUCAS user needs – statistical tables classification

12 LUCAS user needs – in-situ elements and classification
All elements included: LC, LU, management, photos…

13 LUCAS user needs - assessment
All data collected is requested, except some of the detailed crops Several models use LUCAS data: CAPRI, LUISA, ESTIMAP NUTS 2 or 3 Further needs: Specific in-situ modules: soil, grassland/transects COPERNICUS: fine-tuning

14 Specific module – soil - requests
Carbon stock or carbon content & soil density  bulk density Soil acidity / salinization Soil heavy metals content Soil moisture Soil texture Soil biodiversity Electrical conductivity Soil nutrient content Soil loss by water erosion Quantification of cultivated histosols (share) Soil profiles

15 Specific module – soil - requests
Sampling design: hotspots (peatland?) Biodiversity: two assessment approaches Field measurements using a sensing probe with revisit of the site. Soil sampling for further laboratory measurement Soil physical properties Bulk density Penetrometer (in situ), auger Electrical conductivity As part of the routine test, possible already for the 2015 samples.

16 Specific module – grassland
Grassland categorization acc. to GRASSDATE recommendations (Velthof et al (2014)); grass yield; cutting/grazing regime/visible signs of grazing; grazing land management (degraded, improvements), share of leguminous grasses; nutrient content of grass. Irrigation, drainage, planting of productive varieties, tillage (conventional, conservation, zero) Additional details for permanent grassland (GRAS) and temporary grassland (OFAR: leguminous grasses, temporary grasses, … corresponding to B50 subcategories) needed beyond that list. Cropland and grassland input: fertiliser application rates, organic amendments, Crop rotation systems

17 LUCAS user needs – legal references
Environmental policies 7th Environmental Action Programme Natural capital, resource efficiency, sustainable cities, increased information Biodiversity strategy Union Forest Strategy Green Infrastructure Habitat Directive (92/43/EEC) Birds Directive (2009/147/EC  79/409/EE) COPERNICUS Soil strategy Communication on land as a resource (2015)

18 LUCAS user needs – legal references
Climate change policies Accounting rules on greenhouse gas emissions… (Decision No 529/2013/EU) Renewable Energy Directive Kyoto protocol Agricultural policies – CAP 2014 – 2020 Sustainable management of natural resources and climate action, provide environmental public goods Good environmental conditions, good soil conditions Assessment of emissions from organic soils Monitor and evaluation framework Regional policies 6th Cohesion report: Urbanisation, industrial development, commerce and market evaluation

19 Conclusions – user needs
Needs confirm LUCAS content Legal references documented In-depth developments on user needs (soil, grassland/transects, Copernicus) by the end of 2015

20 Legal base: LUCAS survey
Mixed approach: Implementation of a LUCAS in-situ survey by different stakeholders (Member States, Commission) in varying constellations.  no mixed approach does not mean that Member States data is not taken into account compare with LUCAS statistics integrate in LUCAS data analysis to improve results

21 Mixed approach: cycle 1) Grants to Member States
(budget, call, implementation) 2) Commission tender based on grant results (budget, tender, implementation) Evaluation with legal and financial unit Cycle approach not feasible in 3 years Aim reached?! No parallel approach: grant signatures are not known in time, risk to not reach the aim Cost-effectiveness?! Points will need to be visited twice, economy of scale is reduced, contract handling costly.

22 Coordination activities in Eurostat

23 LC/LU Coordination Internal cooperation Cooperation with other DGs
Crop statistics and FSS Forest Environment Demographics GISCO National Accounts Cooperation with other DGs User needs survey INSPIRE compliance

24 Code harmonization project
Started 2007 (in 2011 for agriculture) Several domains involved 10 codelists (out of 500 codelists in Eurostat) for agriculture have been cleaned Aim: same code for the same product in the different domains LUCAS touches many domains (AGR, APRO, DEMO, MAR, MET, URT, LAN, FOR, EF, MED)

25 Code harmonization project

26 Code harmonization project
lan_lcv_ovw LCC Woodland LCC1 Forest FAO LCC11 Broadleaved and evergreen forest LCC12 Coniferous forest LCC13 Mixed forest LCC2 Other wooded land FAO LCC21 Broadleaved and evergreen other wooded areas LCC22 Coniferous other wooded areas LCC23 Mixed other wooded areas LCC3 Other wooded land no FAO LCC31 Broadleaved and evergreen other LCC32 Coniferous other LCC33 Mixed other lan_lcv_ovw LCD Shrubland LCD1 Shrubland with sparse tree cover LCD10 Shrubland with sparse tree cover LCD2 Shrubland without tree cover LCD20 Shrubland without tree cover lan_lcv_ovw LCE Grassland LCE1 Grassland with sparse tree/shrub cover LCE10 Grassland with sparse tree/shrub cover LCE2 Grassland without tree/shrub cover LCE20 Grassland without tree/shrub cover LCE3 Spontaneous vegetation LCE30 Spontaneous vegetation for_area LAND_X_WT Total land area without water bodies for_area FOROWL Total area of forests and other wooded land for_area FOREST Forests for_area OWL Other wooded land for_area FAWS Forests available for wood supply

27 LUCAS Survey Classification (2015)
Land cover C00 WOODLAND C10 Broadleaved woodland C20 Coniferous woodland C21 Spruce dominated coniferous woodland C22 Pine dominated coniferous woodland C23 Other coniferous woodland C30 Mixed woodland C31 Spruce dominated mixed woodland C32 Pine dominated mixed woodland C33 Other mixed woodland +FOREST TYPES Land use U120 FORESTRY

28 LUCAS Classification (proposal 2018)
Land cover C00 WOODLAND C10 Broadleaved woodland C20 Coniferous woodland C21 Spruce dominated coniferous woodland C22 Pine dominated coniferous woodland C23 Other coniferous woodland C30 Mixed woodland C31 Spruce dominated mixed woodland C32 Pine dominated mixed woodland C33 Other mixed woodland +FOREST TYPES Land use U120 FORESTRY U121 Forestry (tall timber) Production of roundwood U122 Agro-Forestry Combined agricultural and forestry activities including cork oak and other oaks U123 Short-rotation forestry 8-20 year cycle robinia, willow and poplar, eucalyptus, ash, birch for pulp U124 Short-rotation coppice 2-5 year cycle robinia, willow and poplar for energy production but also weaving

29 INSPIRe Land Use (HILUCS mandatory)
1_PrimaryProduction (…) 1_2_Forestry Production of round wood and other wood based primary products. Besides the production of timber, forestry activities result in products that undergo little processing, such as firewood, charcoal and round wood used in an unprocessed form (e.g. pit-props, pulpwood etc.). Forest tree nurseries, storage and transport areas linked to logging trees and woody plants for bio fuels are also included. These activities can be carried out in natural or planted forests. 1_2_1_Forestry Based On Short Rotation Forestry areas where the rotation period of a tree generation is 50 years or less, after which the forest is regenerated naturally or artificially with planting or seeding. Tree plantations (pulp-wood production) and wood used for biomass production also belong to this class. 1_2_2_Forestry Based On Intermediate Or Long Rotation Forestry areas where the rotation period of a tree generation is over 50 years after which the forest is regenerated naturally or artificially regenerated by planting or seeding. 1_2_3_Forestry Based On Continuous Cover Forestry areas where forest management and regeneration is based on continuous growing of trees.

30 Conclusions Grants with Member States
Collection of user needs from DGs Coordination inside Eurostat Detailed information on legal option Coordination with cross-cutting initiatives

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