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Scientist’s Notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientist’s Notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientist’s Notebook

2 Importance of a Notebook
Researchers of any age need to keep track of their activities. They need a place to record their observations and questions; to reflect on their experiences; to record the data from their investigations and from other information sources. Maintaining an organized record is a way to look back, revise, and plan for the next steps.

3 How to Set up Your Notebook
You need to decorate the inside cover of you notebook. Use the things that will represent you. These must be school appropriate and include your first and last name, my name: Ms. Ray, and my room mumber: Room 209 somewhere on the page.

4 You need to leave the first 4 pages after the syllabus is glue for the table of contents.
You will need to keep a detailed Table of Contents. The Table of Contents will be periodically graded.

5 How to Set up Your Notebook
Left pages are for OUTPUT. The left page demonstrates your understanding of the information. Examples of left page activities include graphs, labs, foldable, Pictures, Worksheets, your responses to assignments etc.

6 How to Set up Your Notebook
The right side of your notebook is for INPUT. When the teacher lectures you take notes on the right side.

7 How to Set up Your Notebook
The Left/Right pages have the same number L or R designation following the page number (i.e. 14L and 14R)

8 How to Set up Your Notebook
When you complete an assignment, you need to title each page of your notebook with the title that I give you. If you need additional room on that page, continue on the next left/right page.

9 How to be Organized Do NOT tear pages out of your notebook.
Use only pencil, pens and/or colored pencils to write on the pages. Use only a glue stick/tape to attach your pages. NO MARKERS, LIQUID GLUE OR SHARPIES!!!!

10 How to be Organized Stay focused
Keep track of all your work by keeping up with your notebook. Your notebook is your life, don’t lose it. Only place life science content in your life science notebook.

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