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Mrs. Poli’s Health Class Procedures & Expectations

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Poli’s Health Class Procedures & Expectations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Poli’s Health Class Procedures & Expectations

2 Thrive Not Just Survive!
Empowerment and Confidence Better Mental Health Avoid Disease/Illness Look Better More Energy!

3 Mental and Emotional wellness Physical Health and Nutrition
Areas of study in this class will include: Mental and Emotional wellness Physical Health and Nutrition Disease and body care Substance use and abuse Reproductive health and human sexuality


5 Grading System: 40% Participation, Daily Assignments & Journals
25% Major Projects/Exams 20% Quizzes 15% Homework

6 Class Supplies: Journals (can be left in class) Health Notebooks
Pen/Pencil. You are responsible for having a writing utensil.

7 Ways to Communicate: My Syllabus and Assigments are on my webpage:

8 If you are absent: It is YOUR responsibility to get any make-up work from the 7th grade file box or from Mrs. Poli if you are gone. You must make arrangements to make-up any missed quiz/test. You have four (4) days from the day you return to school to complete and turn in any work missed while you were absent. Late assignments will be half credit.

9 What About the Syllabus?
Have your parents/guardians read and sign the syllabus. The signature page is due Wednesday, Nov. 11

10 Gratitude Journals Cover of Gratitude Journal Due Wednesday Novemeber 11
At the beginning of each class you will write down five things you are grateful for each day. You must have 5 different things each day -no repeats. You are to decorate the cover of your gratitude journal. This is an expression of who you are! I should learn something about you when I see your journal. It should reflect your likes and things that you are grateful for. The theme of "things I'm grateful for" can be used in the decorating process: You can include family photos, sayings and pictures of things that you enjoy or anything else in a positive light that gives us a pictorial view of you. 28 points possible 6 points- You will be grades on color and creativity 10 points- You must have 6 pictures or drawings. You may add more if you like, but you are required to have 6 12 points- 6 Explanations or detailed descriptions of each item and how that example is important to you

11 When you enter class: Be in your desk and prepared to begin class at 12:16 PM Bring all supplies and homework needed for the day.

12 When you enter class: Look for the days instructions on board
Turn in homework Do daily gratitude journal

13 During Class: When I want to get your attention I will count “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” This gives you five seconds to quiet down and prepared to listen.

14 During Class: No food, or drinks are allowed in class.
Water bottles only

15 During Class: Cell phones, iPods, etc are expensive, so keep them turned off and out of sight when I’m talking. There will be times you may use them, ask. (If seen, they will be taken and turned in to the office)

16 During Class: Use bathroom privileges wisely!
Don’t interrupt Mrs. Poli while she is teaching a lesson. Give the Special hand sign, wait for acknowledgment then go. Don’t abuse this privilege, or it can be revoked.

17 Exceptions: You don’t need permission to get a kleenex or sharpen your pencil. Discreetly help yourself. Tissues are located on side shelf. By all means, if you are bleeding, might be sick or in tremendous pain, please let me know, then go take care of it!

18 At The End of Class: Wait until Mrs. Poli directs you to put away work and get your stuff together. All textbooks, supplies, and trash must be properly put away before you may leave the room.

19 At The End of Class: Remain in your desk until Mrs. Poli excuses you, which will not be before 1:01 PM

20 By following these procedures and expectations it will…
Contribute to a learner-friendly environment for all. Allow for more creative activities and projects. AND, keep Mrs. Poli from “wigging out!”

21 Let’s have a great semester!!

22 Class Rules Stay in your seats unless directed by the teacher to move.

23 Health Class Rules!

24 Class Rules Be COURTEOUS Raise your hand when you wish
to speak to ask/answer questions or to make comments No side conversations Your seats are a privilege and can be changed

25 Class Rules Keep your hands, body parts and all objects to yourself.

26 Class Rules Be RESPECTFUL of others and their belongings, and of school property. Do not tease or make fun of ideas and mistakes.

27 Class Rules Work on Mrs. Poli’s assignments only unless told otherwise. stay on topic when we go into small group and large group discussions.

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