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Welcome RN to BSN Track II Information Session

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1 Welcome RN to BSN Track II Information Session
California State University Channel Islands

2 Nursing Accreditation
CSUCI nursing program was approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing 4/13/07. The program received accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education after the graduation of its first class in 2010.

3 Why a BSN? Broad base of education in liberal arts and sciences
Curriculum based on conceptual framework of health-illness with research based interventions Expands career options and is often required for entry into MSN or Doctoral Programs Meets eligibility for the California Public Health Nurse Certificate Incorporates the expanded roles of the nurse according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Includes the global perspective of nursing

4 At the completion of the CSUCI program the student will:
Function in the role of a professional nurse (care provider, coordinator, health educator & patient advocate) Collaborate as a member or a leader on a health care team Follow nursing process to promote optimum wellness in a variety of settings Demonstrate commitment to the profession by engaging in professional development and lifelong learning Meet eligibility requirements for California Public Health Nurse Certificate

5 Cohort Model The RN-BSN Track II program uses the Cohort model.
Students will enter the program in a cohort group no larger than 35 students. You and your classmates move from one semester to another in a sequential manner. Research shows higher student retention and satisfaction from cohort-based programs.

6 Program Format The course load each 12 week semester term will require between 6-9 units. RN-BSN Track II Cohort Nursing program is 22 months in length. The schedule requires year-round commitment with 3 breaks (4 weeks off) and including one summer semester during the first year. While classes are generally scheduled Fridays, community agencies may require two days during 2 terms to fulfill theory and clinical commitments.

7 Program Features Innovative Schedule Format
Live classes, seminars, clinical experiences and preceptorships Web-based course materials and learning activities Individual general education & nursing advisement

8 Program Requirements Physical Exam
Proof of Immunity to Rubella, Mumps, Rubeola, Hepatitis B, Varicella Current CPR - C certification CPR for Health Care Provider or CPR for the professional /rescuer Drug screen Criminal background check paid for by the student and through an agency approved by the nursing department. Evidence of physical and emotional health throughout the program TB test or titer All program requirements must be completed prior to first clinical in Year 2 - Instructions will be sent in the admissions to the program letter

9 Admission Process Two-step online admission process:
Application Period May 1 – July 1, 2013 Admission to the University Admission to the Program

10 2 STEP SIMULTANEOUS ADMISSION PROCESS One time application per year- Spring
First Step – Admission to the University: Apply online Online applications 5/1/13 until July 1, 2013 based on space availability) Must have Associates Degree (GE Certified) Declare major as RN –BSN nursing Submit 2 copies of official transcripts Second Step – Admission to the RN – BSN Program Apply to the RN to BSN Nursing Program online at Extended University website Complete all prerequisite courses by end of Spring semester, 2013 Provide Proof of current California RN license Provide 2 copies of official transcripts Note: Admission as a CSUCI student does not guarantee admission to the nursing program

11 Prerequisite Courses (Must be completed at end of Spring Semester, in first year of enrollment)
COMM 101 PUBLIC SPEAKING (3) ENGL 105 COMP. RHETORIC (3) GE B3 (Math) Statistics CRITICAL THINKING REQUIREMENT BIOL 210 A&P I (4) BIOL 211 A&P II (4) BIOL 217 MICRO (4) CHEM 110 CHEM OF LIFE (4) or Organic Chemistry

12 Nursing Application Prerequisites

13 Fees and Costs of the Program
CSUCI RN to BSN Track II Fee Schedule University Application Fee: $55 Program Application Fee: $0 Course Fee: (Fee change begins Fall 2013) $375/credit * The CSU Channel Islands’ RN to BSN Track II program is offered as a special session program. The program does not receive any direct State funding and is completely supported by student fees. Fees subject to change on an annual basis.

14 Fees and Costs of the Program
Costs per Semester Course Fee (average 6 units per semester) $ Total Cost for the 43 Unit RN to BSN Track II Program Course Fees: $16,125.00 * NOTE: The Total Cost does not include any necessary prerequisite or general elective deficiency needed beyond the cohort-based program.

15 Assessment Activities
Assessment activities are woven throughout the program to ensure quality. Formative and Summative evaluation is conducted at the course level, program and track levels.

16 Contact Information For Program and Application Information: Extended University or For Curriculum Questions: Barbara Thorpe, M.S.N., Ed.D. Director, RN to BSN Track II

17 Questions ?

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