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Accident Reporting and Investigation. Presented by H&S Officer name

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1 Accident Reporting and Investigation. Presented by H&S Officer name
Company Name Accident Reporting and Investigation. Presented by H&S Officer name

2 Company Name Why Investigate Accident / Incidents ??
Because – Legal requirement Because – Moral and Ethical reasons Because – We don’t want it to happen again And – So we can Stop it happening again

3 Company Name Definition of an Accident
An unplanned event that may or may not cause personal injury / death or damage to the environment, property, plant or machinery. Also applies to the so called ‘ Near miss ‘ It is still a deviation from the normal and therefore requires investigation.

4 Company Name How do you do an investigation ?
Same as the police, Colombo, Frost etc... Where necessary, barrier off the area and stop anyone from entering. Look for clues / evidence, take photo’s. Collect statements from the injured person(s) immediately, their information is crucial. Witnesses straight after injured person, before if injured person(s) unconscious. Why immediately ??

5 Company Name Because they get whisked off to hospital AND
You may not see them for weeks AND You may never see them again… ever AND May never get information that’s needed AND People change their stories Inform H&S Manager, there may be RIDDOR Implications that need dealing with Immediately. Interview separately, any witnesses that SAW what actually happened, get a signed and dated statement.

6 Company Name Then what ?? Complete an Investigation Report Form. Its been designed to help you find out what happened, why it happened and what we are going to do to stop it happening again. Check the Risk Assessment. Why ?

7 Company Name Risk asssments may have missed something, many R/A’s may be affected. Give you a chance to review the Assessment – Procedures – Work Instructions – Training.

8 Company Name Record the Immediate and Basic causes, often called ‘ Root causes ‘. Record Actions to prevent re-occurrence, could be a new guard, replace tooling after so many hours, a re-training issue.

9 Company Name Ensure everyone tasked with an action knows what needs to be done, when by and to report back to you when the Action has been done. Inform H&S if person is off work the next day, could be Riddor reportable. If the Risk Assessment needs to be changed, ensure all concerned are informed and training records updated.

10 Company Name Monitor the situation to ensure all actions are having the required effects……… Please remember … occasionally.. corrective actions can make the situation worse. Your incident and investigation will be discussed at the next safety meeting.

11 Company Name Any questions ……..

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