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Unit 6 – Grammar Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect (p66-68)

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1 Unit 6 – Grammar Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect (p66-68)

2 Past Perfect 1 – the ‘earlier’ past
had + pp Before coming to Korea (in 2006)… …I had never eaten Kimchi. …I had always been very outgoing. Now, though, I prefer to spend time at home with my family.

3 Past Perfect 1 – the ‘earlier’ past
had + pp Before I entered Hanyang university (in 2014), I had never…. …drunk Soju. …had a girlfriend.

4 Past Perfect 2 – the ‘earlier’ past
had + pp Something that started in the past and continued up until another action in the past We had been married for 4 years before we had our first child (in 2012). I had owned my car for 5 years before I sold it last year.

5 Past Continuous – Activity in progress in the past
(was/were + ing) Last night at 9 o’clock, Meanwhile, my wife was sending Kakao messages, I was watching TV. T – Which verbs describe an activity in progress in the past? At the same time, my daughter was sleeping.

6 Past Simple I got married in 2007. I lived in Thailand for 1 year.
i. Completed actions I got married in 2007. ii. Long-term situations I lived in Thailand for 1 year. iii. A sequence of activities I met my wife, got married, and then had a daughter. iv. Repeated actions or events I studied hard when I was a student.

7 “While I was teaching (yesterday morning),…
Past Simple – Shorter completed actions interrupting an action in progress “While I was teaching (yesterday morning),… …a student asked me a question, another stood up and went to the bathroom, and a few fell asleep.” T – which verbs describe a completed action in the past? T – Which verbs describe an activity in progress in the past?

8 Reference for grammar activities
Past Perfect Past Continuous

9 Vocabulary section p 69-70 I solved the problem. I found a solution to the problem. I am a good problem-solver. -ment -tion -ance -al improvement development management agreement encouragement payment investment consumption production solution reduction definition explanation exploration satisfaction performance appearance assistance disappearance guidance resistance removal appraisal refusal denial survival

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