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Maximising the Talent Pool for STEM Careers

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2 Maximising the Talent Pool for STEM Careers
From Whom Do We Choose? Maximising the Talent Pool for STEM Careers Ross Turner ACER, Melbourne

3 Equity in high-stakes testing
Students who sit the test Equity considerations include technical procedures to ensure the tests are fair Students who drop out before getting to that stage Equity considerations focus on why they went missing, and what can be done to reduce their number 1

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5 Student-level selection progress data, by gender, program type and school type

6 Definition of DIF A test item is labeled with “DIF” when people with equal ability, but from different groups, have an unequal probability of item success A test item is labeled as “non ‐ DIF” if examinees having the same ability have equal probability of getting the item correct, regardless of group membership 4

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11 diversity

12 Student-level selection progress data, by gender, program type and school type

13 Some PISA proficiency differences
Reading Year Female Male Difference F-M 2000 421 396 25 2006 451 434 17 2009 461 439 22 2012 452 430 Year ESCS (in 5 groups, 20% of population in each) Difference High-Low Low Med Low Medium Med High High 2009 405 426 448 466 512 107 2012 395 424 439 457 496 101 10

14 Some PISA proficiency differences
Mathematics Year  Female Male Difference female-male 2006 396 424 -28 2009 410 431 -21 2012 411 436 -25 Year ESCS (in 5 groups, 20% of population in each) Difference High-Low Low Med Low Medium Med High High 2006 358 378 406 432 483 125 2009 398 419 434 487 109 2012 374 402 436 485 111 11

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