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ITCC Report to FS Donald Wunsch 131 EECH x 4521

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1 ITCC Report to FS Donald Wunsch 131 EECH x 4521

2 Response to ITCC Referral from 11/15/2012
Computer Security incidents gave impetus to concerns expressed at FS Actually, ITCC and IT were prescient and proactive w.r.t. these issues (see upcoming slides) RP&A has recommended that ITCC have a standing FS agenda item (as needed) to keep the Faculty current on ITCC / IT issues ITCC has agreed to this

3 ITCC Deliberations, Resolutions
From FS 6/16/2011 Don Wunsch gave a report on privacy, e-Learning initiatives, upgrade to MS Exchange Server 2010 and archiving. The ITCC recommended the following motion be approved: "The Faculty Senate recognizes that computer security problems are never guaranteed to be avoidable. Therefore we recommend that the university adopt a perspective of learning from problems rather than assigning blame. We also recommend that individuals with responsibilities for the protection of sensitive data seek the involvement of professionals to ensure that safety is provided. Furthermore, guidance to accomplish this should be provided to people with such responsibilities." The motion passed unanimously. Details can be found at the following link: Based on a case study of mistakes made at UNC-Charlotte

4 ITCC Deliberations, Resolutions
FS 6/17/10 (approved w minor changes FS 9/16/10) The ITCC Committee submitted a report regarding: 1) The process for the University to gain access to information on University-owned computers that are possessed by faculty (Authorized Access Policy) and 2) Concerns about the unique technological needs of the S&T campus being met by the shared services initiative. The report can be found at the following link:

5 ITCC Deliberations, Resolutions
Detailed deliberations on latest Computer Security incidents 10/17/12 11/14/12 MOTION: The ITCC insists that filtering of outbout spam begin ASAP, and requests a report on this at the next meeting or sooner. IT will work with the ITCC Comp Security subcommittee to get further feedback. (ITCC received this at January meeting.) Also have shared concerns re BPM 911 ITCC Computer Security Subcommittee is also actively engaged with IT on a regular basis (and has been since 2003).

6 ITCC Deliberations, Resolutions
Motion: Computer Security is a strategic resource for this campus and a locally-based strength for the whole UM System. The current strategic planning process should consider enhancing computer security resources located at Missouri S&T to be responsive to needs of the whole system as well as supporting computer security research and data management.

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