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Call of the Wild Intro Lesson.

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1 Call of the Wild Intro Lesson

2 Bell Ringer Who is this and why is this person significant to our new unit?

3 Culminating Writing Task Directions
Call of the Wild Unit Culminating Writing Task Directions What central idea or theme about humans’ treatment of animals does The Call of the Wild convey? To answer this question: Select key incidents from the novel in which Buck interacts with his various owners. Describe Buck’s point of view about the incident and his owners’ traits. Examine the outcome of each incident and how each owner’s treatment and Buck’s point of view impacted the outcome. Determine a central idea or theme of The Call of the Wild based on London’s depiction of Buck’s relationship with his many owners and the outcomes of their various interactions. Write a literary analysis that supports your claims in response to the question and demonstrates an understanding of the text. Be sure to use proper grammar, conventions, spelling, and grade- appropriate words and phrases. Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support the analysis, including direct quotations and parenthetical citations.

4 Who is Jack London? What is Naturalism?
What is Naturalism?

5 Who is Jack London? What is Naturalism?
What is Naturalism?

6 Independent Practice Write a summary about Jack London and the Naturalism movement. Give at least 3 facts about London and 3 facts about Naturalism in your summary. Using your notes from the videos about Jack London and the Naturalism movement, how was London’s life inspired the Naturalism philosophy?

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