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Phencyclidine AKA : PCP

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1 Phencyclidine AKA : PCP
Caden and Tomas Per. 2 11/27/17

2 Street Names Angles Dust PCP Supergrass Boat Tic Tac Zoom Shermans

3 Labels / Categories / Terms
Phencyclidine is a illegal substance Stimulant Synthetic It used to be used as an illicit substance in the 1950’s as an intravenous anesthetic in the US

4 Pictures

5 Take/Put into Body Smoked through a glass pipe
Liquid that you can dip a cigarette into Liquid spray Tablet or pill form Snort

6 Effects Short term: Long term: Feeling relaxed Pain-free
hallucinations Long term: Bizarre behavior Memory loss Agitation Combativeness

7 Impact PCP manufacturing involves dangerous chemicals, people who get exposed to the chemicals can get injured, due to the chemical fumes. Manufactures, are mainly in neighborhoods and they don’t think for the safety of their neighbors

8 Unique Info It’s sold in color tablets or capsules
Can be snorted, smoked, or injected People who use it say they feel “out of body” Symptoms stay for up to a year after stopping Usually MDMA(Molly) contains PCP Usually costs $5-$15 per tablet or pill, $20-$30 per gram of powder, $200-$300 per oz. of liquid, and $10-$20 per “dipper” In January 25, 1978, PCP went from a control 3 substance down to a control 2 substance

9 Video

10 Work Cited __1b03zcTPGFRM3eOcYEd6LvRfZVI%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjij9-k49LXAhUByWMKHXHnDtcQ9QEIKjAA#imgrc=F6PfAXDRvxwGbM:m - 1st slide picture/ Backround Street names info and side 3 info/slide 9 =__XBcF83PjeTa_9NT4Kxjp67HRV3U%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwixofqt5tLXAhUP62MKHV-FD4kQ9QEIODAC#imgrc=GrAK6b5BZLnLoM:- Pcp street names picture 2MKHQwpBp0Q_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=662#imgrc=7GBFchlz8hlDeM:- Silde 5 pill picture 7nQCA&q=pcp+chemical+breakdown&oq=pcp+chemical+breakdown&gs_l=psy- ab j c.1.64.psy-ab j0i8i30k1j0i24k1j0i67k1j0i30k1j0i5i30k1.0.up2- 5JJolyQ#imgrc=Nm0h0LmxAHGvfM:- Slide 4 chemical pictice ab.3..0l9j0i67k j0j c.1.64.psy- ab i5i30k1j0i24k1j0i8i30k1.0.2suxz1ZkZ6o#imgrc=8Tt2_605ijahyM:-Death image slide 4 - slide 8 - slide 7 -slide 9 Video

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