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Rehabilitation of Groin, Hip, & Thigh Injuries

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1 Rehabilitation of Groin, Hip, & Thigh Injuries
Chapter 20

2 Rehabilitation Techniques
General Body Conditioning Must maintain cardiovascular fitness, muscle endurance, and strength of total body Avoid weight bearing activities if painful Flexibility Regaining pain free ROM is a primary concern Progress from passive to PNF stretching


4 Rehabilitation Techniques
Strength Progression from isometric exercises to isotonic strengthening PREs Isokinetic exercises may be utilized PNF strengthening could be incorporated to enhance functional activity Active exercise should occur in pain free ranges Avoid re-aggravating the injury Exercises for the core must also be included Develop functional strength and dynamic stabilization



7 Mobilization Will be necessary if injury and subsequent limitation is caused by tightness of ligaments and capsule surrounding the joint Use to re-establish appropriate arthrokinematics Series of glides (anterior and posterior) and rotations can be used to restore motion


9 Rehabilitation Techniques
Neuromuscular Control Established through postural alignment and stability strength As neuromuscular control is enhanced, the ability of the kinetic chain to maintain appropriate forces and dynamic stabilization increases Focus on balance and closed kinetic chain activities


11 Functional Progression and Return to Activity
Begin in pool, non-weight bearing Progression of walking, to jogging, to running, and to more difficult agility tasks Before returning to play, athlete should demonstrate pain free function, full ROM, strength, balance, and agility

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