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C3SC CALB MIS Review #1: SB Report

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1 C3SC CALB MIS Review #1: SB Report
MIS SB reporting as of CALB 8.2 and 7.8 TJ Baugus, Principal Functional Consultant, Banner Student California Community College Solution Center, SGHE February 11, 2010

Thank you in advance for hanging up on us because we don’t like your hold music. Please use your phone mute button or *6. This session is not to solve SRs. This is a general discussion to benefit all. Action Line handles specific problems. There are open defects & RPEs. RPEs  Priorities  Your CCB representative This first session is only about SB report. Barely enough time to cover SB. February 11, 2010 |

3 Agenda General background & overview
MIS SB Student Basic Data elements As of today, CALB 8.2+ and CALB 7.8 Cover as many as possible Highlight what is reported Some elements are just too huge. FAQ 1-AVQNU1 for this session. SB record selection if there is time or on your own FAQ 1-4G6CWL, C3SC: CALB MIS reports running, revisions, and record selection details. (Covers all CALB reports.) February 11, 2010 |

4 General background and overview
February 11, 2010 |

5 General Background on Banner MIS Reports
Baseline MIS Reports Example: SERCBREC, MIS CB Record Extract Student module reports were COBOL. Long list of parameters Concatenate many outputs together CCC specific forms/tables & columns/fields Didn’t always represent true need Regulatory updates abandoned while waiting for C3SC formation. Baseline will be obsolete these reports. February 11, 2010 |

6 General Background on C3SC MIS Reports
CALB Student/Financial Aid MIS Reports Queried all existing clients for input By early 2007 CALB 7.4 all non-HR reports Some additional forms/tables & columns/fields added Tried hard(er) to represent true need REPT Report Engine (C3SC product) Had to replace the COBOL programs Easy client customization All non-HR reports are in REPT HR: CALBHR EB & EJ (Jan Wilder) February 11, 2010 |

7 REPT Report Engine FAQ 1-ATHKVI: Chris Leuer’s Webinar on REPT
PowerPoint Session recording link The CALB install loads the CALB MIS reports into REPT tables. If you need to customize a report, copy the CALB report & customize your copy. REPT & all of its processes are not specific to CALB MIS. February 11, 2010 |

8 FAQs in Support Center FAQ 1-4G6CWL, C3SC: CALB MIS reports running, revisions, and record selection details (all CALB reports) Examples of forms & fields used for record selection. How to create an MIS flat file for submitting to CCCCO site. List of the reports & revisions. SB: Released in 7.3.2; revised 7.4.1; revised 7.5.2; (revised defects 1- 4MHZA0 patched after CALB 7.6 and 1-570SHN in CALB 8.0); revised defects patched after CALB 7.6/ EFBY/1-5FKFSI; revised 7.7/8.1 updates & defects 1-62MQNF/1-62MQTC Other FAQs on REPT, MIS, & other topics. All C3SC FAQs start with ‘C3SC’ in title. February 11, 2010 |

9 MIS DED vs. Syntactical Edit vs. Referential Edit
The design of all reports is based upon MIS DED standards, including domain for record selection. The details in the edits (element relationships) are not coded. Few exceptions (additional valid values in edit document) Why? The edit logic should be in the Banner CALB application’s functionality if it is possible to implement. CALB will not change your reported data beyond converting valid values & formatting. You should load the correct values into the Banner application. February 11, 2010 |

10 Extract Error: “no data found” (All Reports)
Most common cause: GTVDICD and STVCAMP GTVDICD District Division Code Validation Must list district/college IDs, GI01, even if you only have one. STVCAMP Campus Code Validation Must link the campuses to the district/college IDs (even if you only have one). Without this, all reports can hit “no data found” (all except CB). February 11, 2010 |

11 Extract Error: “no data found” (All Reports)
Most common cause: GTVDICD and STVCAMP GTVDICD District Division Code Validation Must list district/college IDs, GI01, even if you only have one. STVCAMP Campus Code Validation Must link the campuses to the district/college IDs (even if you only have one). Without this, all reports can hit “no data found” (all except CB). February 11, 2010 |

12 Extract Error: “no data found” (All Reports)
February 11, 2010 |

13 Extract Error: “no data found” (All Reports)
Usually missing key data setups (new fields to CALB or not) that satisfy report domain. A report’s “domain” is the SQL statement defined on GVARSQL Report Engine SQL Form that represents the CCCCO report domain. Do not edit installed reports. Chris Leuer’s session included some tips for using the SQL. Find one record that should be reported & compare to FAQ 1-4G6CWL (record selection). February 11, 2010 |

14 SB record elements February 11, 2010 |

15 Warning: Pseudo Code Anything presented resembling ‘code’ is my pseudo code & very simplified. I’m not a developer; I understand just enough coding to communicate (or scare). Real code is not guaranteed to be similar. A mismatch does not a defect make. February 11, 2010 |

GVAREPT Report selected GVVRPDF_REPORT = ‘SB’ GI01 DISTRICT-COLLEGE-IDENTIFIER Parameter: District College ID (GTVDICD_CODE) GI03 TERM-IDENTIFIER Parameter: Term (STVTERM_CODE) February 11, 2010 |

17 Student elements SB02 – SB04 (SPAIDEN & other forms)

18 Student elements SB05 – SB07 (SPAIDEN & other forms)
SB05 STUDENT-ETHNICITY Format for MIS SPBPERS_ETHN_CODE adding trailing ‘.’ if length = 1 (unknown = ‘X’) Watching for CCCCO notice to replace with filler  Will change in CALB, but you can null your data if needed. SB06 STUDENT-CITIZENSHIP First character of SPBPERS_CITZ_CODE (unknown = ‘X’) SB07 Filler February 11, 2010 |

19 Student elements SB08 SB08 STUDENT-ZIP-CODE
GTVSDAX entry used to find the address GTVSDAX_INTERNAL_CODE_GROUP = ‘CALGEN’ and GTVSDAX_INTERNAL_CODE = ‘RESADDR’ Example: GTVSDAX_EXTERNAL_CODE = ‘MA’ For the address with the GTVSDAX code, use its SPRADDR_ZIP with some format checks (SPAIDEN & other forms) Bad entry or unknown  ‘XXXXXXXXX’ February 11, 2010 |

20 Student elements SB09 – SB10
SB09 STUDENT-RESIDENCE-CODE Residency setups SGBSTDN_RESD_CODE (SGASTDN form) STVRESD_IN_STATE_IND = ‘I’  ‘50000’ (CA) STVRESD_FOREIGN_IND = ‘Y’  ‘8XXXX’ Not CA & not foreign  address state code (SPAIDEN & other forms) SB08: GTVSDAX entry used to find the address Convert SPRADDR_STAT_CODE using GVATRMP list Null state ‘6XXXX’ Address not found or unknown  ‘XXXXX’ SB10 Filler February 11, 2010 |

21 Student elements SB11 – SB13
SB11 STUDENT-EDUCATION-STATUS Compare SGBSTDN_EDLV_CODE (SGASTDN form) to GVATRMP list (unknown = ‘XXXXX’) SB12 STUDENT-HIGH-SCHOOL-LAST SORHSCH_SBGI_CODE (SOAHSCH form) of the Max of SORHSCH_GRADUATION_DATE if exists Else SORHSCH_SBGI_CODE using max row ID (unknown = ‘XXXXXX’) SB13 Filler February 11, 2010 |

22 Student elements SB14 – SB15
SB14 STUDENT-EDUCATIONAL-GOAL First character of SARADAP_EGOL_CODE (SAAADMS form) of the maximum SARADAP_TERM_CODE_ENTRY (unknown = ‘X’) SB15 STUDENT-ENROLLMENT-STATUS First character of SGBSTDN_STYP_CODE (SGASTDN form) (unknown = ‘X’) February 11, 2010 |

23 Student elements: “Units” SB16 – SB17
All “Unit” elements are cumulative & format for MIS the respective baseline function including CALB course credit status. SCACRSE form SCBCRSE_CREDIT_STATUS_CODE must be credit & degree applicable. (unknown = ‘000000’, or ‘888888’ for transfer) SB16 STUDENT-UNITS-EARNED-LOCAL SHATERM Institution Earned Hours for credit courses SB17 STUDENT-UNITS-EARNED-TRANSFER If the student does NOT have a SHRTRCE record & was never coded now or previously as Transfer student (SGBSTDN_STYP_CODE = ‘2’ ), then ‘888888’ If the student does NOT have a SHRTRCE record & was coded as Transfer student, then ‘000000’ Else SHATERM Transfer Earned Hours for credit courses February 11, 2010 |

24 Student elements: “Units” SB18 – SB19
SB18 STUDENT-UNITS-ATTEMPTED-LOCAL SHATERM Institution Attempted Hours for credit courses SB19 STUDENT-UNITS-ATTEMPTED-TRANSFER If the student does not have a SHRTRCE record & was never coded now or previously as Transfer student, then ‘888888’ If the student does not have a SHRTRCE record & was coded as Transfer student, then ‘000000’ Else SHATERM Transfer Attempted Hours for credit courses February 11, 2010 |

25 Student elements: “Units” SB20 – SB21
SB20 STUDENT-TOTAL-GRADE-POINTS-LOCAL SHATERM Institution Quality Points for credit courses SB21 STUDENT-TOTAL-GRADE-POINTS- TRANSFERRED If the student does NOT have a SHRTRCE record, was never coded now or previously as Transfer student (SGBSTDN_STYP_CODE = ‘2’ ), then ‘888888’ If the student does NOT have a SHRTRCE record, was coded as Transfer student, then ‘000000’ Else SHATERM Transfer Quality Points for credit courses February 11, 2010 |

26 Student elements SB22 – SB23
SB22 STUDENT-ACADEMIC-STANDING GVATRMP for the SHRTTRM_CAST_CODE (SHATERM form) (unknown = ‘X’) SB23 STUDENT-APPRENTICESHIP-STATUS First character of SGBSTDN_APRN_CODE (SGASTDN form) Else ‘X’ (unknown = ‘X’) If you do not offer Apprenticeship programs, change your default to ‘Y’. February 11, 2010 |

27 Student elements SB24 – SB28
SB24 STUDENT-TRANSFER-CENTER-STATUS First character of SGBSTDN_TRCN_CODE (SGASTDN form) Else ‘0’ (unknown = ‘0’) If you do not have a Transfer Center, change your default to ‘Y’. SB25 Filler SB26 STUDENT-JTPA-STATUS First character of SGBSTDN_VOED_CODE (SGASTDN form) (unknown = ‘N’) SB27 Filler (STUDENT-CALWORKS-STATUS) SB28 STUDENT-FIRST-NAME-PARTIAL First 3-characters of SPRIDEN_FIRST_NAME (SPAIDEN & other forms) February 11, 2010 |

28 Student elements: SB29 Multi-Ethnicity
SB29 STUDENT-MULTI-ETHNICITY (SPAIDEN & other forms) SB29.xx: ‘xx’ = SB29 position number SB29.01 Hispanic, Latino: If SPBPERS_ETHN_CDE = 2 (Hispanic or Latino) then ‘Y’, else if SPBPERS_ETHN_CDE = 1 (Not Hispanic or Latino) then ‘N’, else ‘X’ (null) SB29.02 – SB29.21: If exists GORPRAC_RACE_CDE = position number then ‘Y’, else ‘N’ (unknown = ‘N’) Uses GVATRMP to convert SB29.02 Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano GORPRAC_RACE_CDE = ‘02’ SB29.21 White: GORPRAC_RACE_CDE = ‘21’ February 11, 2010 |

Convert a check (‘Y’) in SGBUSER_BASIC_SKILL_WAIV_IND (SGAUSDF form) to ‘W’ (else ‘N’) Trailing Filler February 11, 2010 |

30 SB record selection November 29, 2018 |

31 SB Report: Record Selection
Designed to be as wide as possible. Better to report more students than needed than to miss one that is included on another other report. Most complicated of all reports. Has to have aspects of many other reports yet not double report an ID. November 29, 2018 |

32 Points for selecting a student’s record for SB
Selects the campuses for the district IDs. (STVCAMP setup.) The ID is a Student. (ID exists in SGBSTDN, SGASTDN form.) And the student has one of the following activities, which relate to the various dependent student MIS reports… November 29, 2018 |

33 A) SB selection for Enrollment criteria
Select student IDs that have enrollment activity (exists in SFBETRM) with no CRN registration activity (does not exist in SFRSTCR) and coded with the student’s default campus for this district ID (STVCAMP_CODE = SGBSTDN_CAMP_CODE). Without CRNs, there is no campus on enrollment data. Using Student campus to tie to district ID. These students will qualify for services reporting. November 29, 2018 |

34 A) SB selection for Enrollment criteria
November 29, 2018 |

35 or B) SB selection for Registration criteria
Select student IDs that have CRN registration activity (does exist in SFRSTCR) and coded with the CRN’s campus for this district ID. (STVCAMP_CODE = SSBSECT_CAMP_CODE). Using the CRNs’ campuses to tie to district IDs. Activity  Don’t care the status for SB report. These students will qualify for enrollment reporting. November 29, 2018 |

36 or B) SB selection for Registration criteria
November 29, 2018 |

37 or C) SB selection for EOPS
Has SGAEOPS effective for the term (SGBEOPS_TERM_CODE_EFF) and coded with the student’s default campus for this district ID (STVCAMP_CODE = SGBSTDN_CAMP_CODE). SGAEOPS has no campus code. Using Student campus to tie to district ID. These students will qualify for EOPS reporting. November 29, 2018 |

38 or C) SB selection for EOPS
November 29, 2018 |

39 or D) SB selection for Financial Aid (non-BOGW)
Student had financial aid in the aid year for the term (RCRAPP1_AIDY_CODE = STVTERM_FA_PROC_YR and STVTERM_CODE = Term) and coded with the student’s default campus for this district ID (STVCAMP_CODE = SGBSTDN_CAMP_CODE). Using Student campus to tie to district ID. Confirmed this logic with Financial Aid consultants. These students will qualify for Financial Aid reporting. November 29, 2018 |

40 or D) SB selection for Financial Aid (non-BOGW)
November 29, 2018 |

41 Answer from CCCCO: SB vs. SF report domain
***Slide added after presentation.*** Question asked: What about IDs with financial aid applications but not a student ID (no SGBSTDN record)? Will they be reported? For SF01 statuses 2-X, SF &, therefore, SB reporting is optional. Codes 2-X are “did not receive financial aid”: 2 = Never enrolled/attended 3 = Did not complete file 4 = Determined ineligible, no need 5 = No funds available 6 = Disqualified, academic progress 7 = Other X = Unknown/Uncollected Tested reports: No SF or SB reporting for ID with RNANAxx applications & without SGBSTDN record. If client wants to report this optional entry: Add the ID’s SGBSTDN record (SGASTND form). Modify your SB & SF reports to include this ID. November 29, 2018 |

42 or E) SB selection for BOGW in AR
Current Design: Student had a BOG Waiver AR entry for the term (TBRACCD_TERM_CODE = Term and TBRACCD_DETAIL_CODE = GTVSDAX entry code) and coded with the student’s default campus for this district ID (STVCAMP_CODE = SGBSTDN_CAMP_CODE). Using Student campus to tie to district ID. These students will qualify for Financial Aid BOGW reporting. Future Revision: Select BOGW data from the BOGW tables and the records’ Colleges. (Not just AR.) Confirmed this logic with BOGW client focus group. November 29, 2018 |

43 or E) SB selection for BOGW in AR
November 29, 2018 |

44 or F) SB selection for Disabilities (Part 1)
These students will qualify for Disabilities reporting. One of two conditions: 1. Either: If student exists in Disability Services for the Term & the records have Campus noted, use this for campus selection (STVCAMP_CODE = SGRDSER_CAMP_CODE) Using SGADISA campus to tie to district ID. Non-null SGRDSER_CAMP_CODE records report by that campus. November 29, 2018 |

45 or F) SB selection for Disabilities (Part 2)
2. Or: student doesn’t exists in Disability Services (SGRDSER does not exist) or some records have no Campus noted (or SGRDSER_CAMP_CODE is null), use SGASTDN for campus selection Using SGADISA campus to tie to district ID. Null SGRDSER_CAMP_CODE records report by the student’s campus. Clarifying Notes: i.) Each SGRDISA record may have zero, one, or many SGRDSER records; ii.) SGRDISA does not have a campus field; SGRDSER has an optional campus field; iii.) A SGRDISA without any SGRDSER records is reported on the SGBSTDN campus; iv.) A SGRDISA with at least one SGRDSER record that has a null campus is reported on the SGBSTDN campus; v.) A SGRDISA with any SGRDSER records that have a non-null campus are reported on those SGRDSER campuses. vi.) A combination of 4 and 5 is possible. November 29, 2018 |

46 or F) SB selection for Disabilities
November 29, 2018 |

47 or G) SB selection for Services
***Slide added after presentation.*** Student had services effective in the term (SGBEOPS_TERM_CODE_EFF), still active by the Actual Completion Date (SERDTGL_ACTUAL_DATE is null or SERDTGL_ACTUAL_DATE <= STVTERM_END_DATE), and the student’s default campus is for this district ID (STVCAMP_CODE = SGBSTDN_CAMP_CODE). Using Student campus to tie to district ID. These students will qualify for Services reporting. November 29, 2018 |

48 or G) SB selection for Services
***Slide added after presentation.*** November 29, 2018 |

49 Summary Design of CALB MIS reports:
Must be generic to fit the majority & normal usage. I verify design decisions with CCCCO MIS department as needed. REPT tool was used to allow modifications for local needs. Please open Service Requests for any issues you have. CALB trained subset of Student AL Thank you to everyone that has helped improve CALB MIS the last few years!  February 11, 2010 |

50 Questions? FAQ 1-AVQNU1 This document Link to this recording Will be posted on CAL-L TJ Baugus: but I will require you to use action line service requests. February 11, 2010 |

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