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Extracting Iron.

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Presentation on theme: "Extracting Iron."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extracting Iron

2 Starter Activity What is the sentence?
from the -m +n is Cast iron right from the blast furnace is brittle and very hard & -die

3 Extracting Iron Learning Objectives:
Describe what happens in the blast furnace Write word equations for the reactions that take place inside the blast furnace Explain why most iron is turned into steel

4 Extracting Iron Iron ore Iron is LESS reactive than carbon
Haematite Fe2O3 Iron is LESS reactive than carbon Reduction using carbon is used This process takes place in the blast furnace

5 Video Watch the video and complete the video worksheet

6 Mini Plenary Write down two things you know now that you know now that you didn’t at the start of the lesson

7 The reactions The coke burns C + O2  CO2
The limestone is thermally decomposed CaCO3  CaO + CO2 The carbon dioxide reacts with more coke CO2 + C  2CO

8 The reactions The carbon monoxide reduces the iron ore to iron metal. This is a liquid and runs to the bottom of the blast furnace Fe2O3 + 3CO  2Fe + 3CO2 The calcium oxide combines with the sand to form the liquid slag which floats on top of the liquid iron. CaO + SiO2 CaSiO3

9 Practical task We are going to under take an experiment to extract iron. Safety Goggles Tuck in your chair Clear the table Long hair tie up

10 Worksheet Answer the questions given in the worksheet

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