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Variable Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Variable Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Variable Notes

2 What are variables? Variables are the parts in experiments that are likely to change. Experiments have three types of variables: Independent variables Dependent variables Controlled variables (constants)

3 What is an independent variable?
An independent variable is the variable that is changed by a scientist in an experiment Scientists make experiments using independent variables

4 What is a dependent variable?
A dependent variable is what is measured by a scientist in an experiment Scientists determine the experiment outcome with the dependent variable

5 How can you tell the variables apart?
To tell the variables apart, ask yourself these questions: What is being changed on purpose? This is the independent variable. What is being measured throughout or at the end of the experiment? This is the dependent variable.

6 On the back of your paper write the following: Controlled variable
The controlled variable is everything you want to remain constant and unchanging.


#4 Activity Cut out the squares Place the squares in the appropriate boxes (DO NOT GLUE DOWN THE VARIABLES) We will go over the answers together!!! DO NOT GLUE DOWN the VARIABLES!!!!!

9 Does being tardy impact test scores?
Independent Variable (IV) The time a student arrives to class Dependent Variable (DV) Test scores

10 Are young drivers more likely to have a car accident?
Age of drivers DV Chances of having a car accident

11 Does playing video games improve reaction time?
IV Playing video games DV Reaction time

12 Does temperature affect how much people eat?
IV Room temperature DV Amount of food eaten

13 Do plants grow taller when fertilizer is used?
IV Using plant fertilizer DV Plant height

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