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Pure Substances and Mixtures?

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Presentation on theme: "Pure Substances and Mixtures?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pure Substances and Mixtures?
Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should introduce the essential question and the standard that aligns to the essential question Standard: S8P1a. Distinguish between atoms and molecules Adapted from

2 How do we use a formula to build a molecule model?
By looking at uppercase letter (H) or an uppercase and a lowercase letter together (Na) to find out what type of atom you need. Then using the subscript (H2) to find out how many atoms are in the molecule

3 How big is an atom?
Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should use the link to demonstrate the size of an atom

4 Image are from
Atoms Image are from A small particle that makes up all Matter Consists of Protons (+), Electrons (-), and Neutrons (N) Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes *Write information on the Notes Sheet

5 *Write information on the Notes Sheet
Molecules A molecule consists of two or more atoms of the same element, or different elements, that are chemically bound together. In the animation above, two nitrogen atoms (N + N = N2) make one Nitrogen molecule . Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes *Write information on the Notes Sheet

6 Pure Substance A single kind of matter that has a specific make- up or composition. It has specific chemical formula. It has specific properties.

7 *Write information on the Notes Sheet
Elements Consists of only one kind of atom. Cannot be broken down into a simpler type of matter. Listed on the Periodic Table. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes *Write information on the Notes Sheet

8 *Write information on the Notes Sheet
Compounds Consists of two or more different elements chemically combined together. Has different properties from the elements That made it. Can only be separated by another chemical reaction. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes *Write information on the Notes Sheet

9 Counting Atoms Practice
3. H2O 2 hydrogens 1 Oxygen Total= 3 atoms 4. NaCl 5. CO2 6. NH3

10 Complete the Examples 3. H2O 2 hydrogens 1 Oxygen Total= 3 atoms 4. NaCl 1 Sodium 1 Chlorine Total = 2 5. CO2 1 Carbon 2 Oxygen Total = 3 6. NH3 1 Nitrogen 3 Hydrogen Total =4

11 How are mixtures different from pure substances?
What is in this mixture? How would you separate this mixture? How could you separate the individual parts of the mixture? How would you define a mixture?

12 What is in our mixture? Sand: SiO2 Iron: Fe4 Salt : NaCL
Pepper (Piperine) : C17H19NO3 Use the information to EDIT your answers from our exploration. Make sure you complete Q 5,8, 14,15

13 Mixtures Different types of molecules (elements and Compounds) in the same place but not Chemically bonded together. Each substance in the mixture keeps its own individual properties. Also the parts of the mixture are not in a set ratio, i.e. no chemical formula.

14 Heterogeneous Mixture
You can see the different parts

15 Homogeneous Mixture Evenly mixed- you can not see the different parts.

16 Extras: Homogeneous mixtures are also called solutions.
Separate particles are not visible because one dissolves in the other. In salt water, salt is the solute, gets dissolved water is the solvent, dissolves other substance Smaller quantity Larger quantity

17 A Balancing Act The Law of Conservation of Matter states-
Matter (Atoms) are not created or destroyed during a chemical reaction. Scientists know that there must be the same number of atoms on each side of the equation. To balance the chemical equation, you must add Coefficients in front of the chemical formulas in the equation. You cannot add or change subscripts!

18 A Chemical Formula is a representation of a substance using symbols for its essential elements.
Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide. The students do not have to know chemical formulas; however, chemical formulas can be used to demonstrate the amount of atoms in matter

19 A Chemical Equation is a symbolic representation of what happens when atoms react with each other
Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide. The students do not have to know chemical equations; however, chemical equations can be used to demonstrate the amount of atoms in matter and the Law of Conservation of Matter

20 Review: What is the Law of Conservation of Matter?
The Law of Conservation of Matter [Mass] states that matter cannot be created or destroyed. It changes form. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide to lead into the remaining slides A Chemical Equation can illustrate the Law of Conservation of Matter. Let’s see how

21 Law of Conservation of Matter [Mass]:
Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide. Once again, students do not have to know how to balance equations or identify the reactants and products in an equation. However, a chemical equation can be used to apply the Law of Conservation of Matter Law of Conservation of Matter [Mass]: The Mass of the Reactants is EQUAL to the Mass of the Products

22 Law of Conservation of Matter [Mass]
Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should use the information on the slide to reinforce atoms, molecules, and the law of conservation of matter

23 Law of Conservation of Matter [Mass]
Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should use the information on the slide to reinforce atoms, molecules, and the law of conservation of matter

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