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Equilibrium Ms. Hoang ACP Chemistry.

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1 Equilibrium Ms. Hoang ACP Chemistry

2 Concept of Equilibrium
As a system approaches equilibrium, both the forward and reverse reactions are occurring. At equilibrium, the forward and reverse reactions are proceeding at the same rate.

3 System at Equilibrium Once Equilibrium is achieved, the amount of each reactant and product remains constant Think of a seesaw

4 Equilibrium Constant Ratio between concentration of products and concentration of reactants. aA+bB ↔cC+dD K= C c D d A a B b

5 Equilibrium Constant Example: Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant, K , for the system shown, if moles of CO2, moles of H2, moles of CO, and moles of H2O vapor were present in a 2.00 L reaction vessel were present at equilibrium. C O 2 g + H 2 g ↔C O g + H 2 O g

6 Equilibrium Constant CO2 0.1908 moles H2 0.0908 moles CO 0.0092 moles
H2O moles C O 2 = H 2 = CO = H 2 O = C O 2 g + H 2 g ↔C O g + H 2 O g

7 Equilibrium Constant K= CO H 2 O C O 2 H 2 = (0.0046)(0.0046) (0.0954)(0.0454) = If K>1 reaction favors the products If K<1 reaction favors the reactants

8 What Does the Value of K Mean?
If K >> 1, the reaction is product-favored; product predominates at equilibrium.

9 What Does the Value of K Mean?
If K << 1, the reaction is reactant-favored; reactant predominates at equilibrium

10 Equilibrium Constant Equilibrium is temperature dependent
At the same temperature, the system always comes to an equilibrium position such that K is constant regardless of the amounts of the reactants that are mixed together initially

11 Heterogeneous Equilibria
CaC O 3 s ↔CaO s +C O 2 (g) Pure solids and liquids (except H2O) are not included in calculations of K

12 Energy and Equilibrium
Which one has higher energy?

13 Energy and Equilibrium
Energy of NO2 at 298K is 51.30kJ/mol Energy of N2O4 at 298K is 97.82kJ/mol N2O4 NO2

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