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Streetscapes and Community Revitalization

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Presentation on theme: "Streetscapes and Community Revitalization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Streetscapes and Community Revitalization


3 Accommodate modern needs but maintain pedestrian character

4 Avoid the “Big Fix”

5 Avoid “ill-conceived” improvements
that are hard to maintain

6 Temporary and interim enhancements can be a good start

7 Common components

8 Street lighting

9 Seating and trash receptacles

10 Banners and Event Signage

11 Planters

12 Street Trees


14 Paving

15 Signage

16 “Street walls”

17 Planning & design begin with an inventory

18 Use “Visioning” tools to promote the plan

19 How will spaces be used?

20 Anticipate and accommodate construction issues

21 Keep public informed

22 Celebrate everything, both big and small

23 Integrate a comprehensive
management strategy

24 Contract with service vendors to keep district looking vibrant and fresh

25 Just remember… …it may take years to complete

26 Omaha, NE St. Louis, MO Chicago, IL

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