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MNAO Workflow Confirmation Form

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1 MNAO Workflow Confirmation Form
Mazda’s automated solution to the Purchasing and Accounts Payable World

2 Purchasing Contacts Karissa Wu x76606 Thy Vo x76150
Elizabeth Aguilar x76479 Carlos Alvarez x76392

3 Accounting 3-Way Match Accounting three-way match ensures we pay for what we order. Purchase Order is issued to the vendor for the service/goods to be fulfilled. The vendor provides the service or ships the goods. Invoice is generated. MNAO Accounts Payable receives invoice, matches to PO and Requestor confirms that goods/services have been received prior to payment processing.

4 Confirming the Invoice
Accounts Payable receives the Invoice from the Supplier with Purchase Order # referenced on it and scans it into MNAO Workflow. Requestor receives an from Workflow requesting review and confirmation of materials and/or services received. The Requestor confirms attached invoice is accurate and should be paid. Payment is issued to the supplier.

5 Email Notice frequency
Upon receipt of an invoice the requestor will receive s notices as follows, 1st notice – Arrival 2nd notice – 3rd work day after arrival 3rd notice – 5th work day after arrival 4th notice – 7th work day after arrival

6 Workflow Alert Use the blue hyperlink in the Workflow to access the invoice to confirm

7 Confirmation Form Once you login, remember to lock the package. In the confirm section, you will indicate YES, pay the invoice or NO do not pay the invoice.

8 Confirmation Form View attached invoice before confirming.
[Click on the Alt+I to see the Attachment tab]

9 Confirmation Form Payment is defaulted to a check. For wire payment,
click on Wire Payment box before completing.

10 Banking Information If you wish to pay the vendor by wire payment
and the vender doesn’t have banking information currently, You should contact Vanessa Yu in Treasury to add the information Supporting documentation from Vendor is required Invoice with the vendor’s banking information Wire instructions on company letterhead Original from vendor with banking information

11 Confirmation Form Use the Edit button to update the quantity and extended price for each line. The Calculated Invoice Total should match the Scanned Invoice Total. If all charges are allocated correctly, click on “Yes”, “Save”, and then “Complete”.

12 Accrual Message If the invoice was for a prior fiscal year and you have submitted an accrual entry to Accounting, please click YES.

13 Confirmation Form If the materials or goods have not been received or there is an error on the invoice, DO NOT click “YES”. Instead click “NO” and indicate why from the drop down option.

14 Confirmation Form If you need to change any of the data on the form, Do NOT click “Yes”. Instead check “Route to AP for modifications” box and enter notes in the comments section. Remember to Save before you complete!

Confirmation Form Not enough funds on Line item or PO out of Money? Enter a requisition to increase the PO. DO NOT CONFIRM SERVICES

16 PO Increase Required Enter a requisition in the MNAO Workflow to increase your PO. In the Internal Communications box, indicate which PO is increasing. Once your PO increase has been approved, you will receive a Workflow notice letting you know that your PO has been increased. Wait for a new Workflow confirmation notice before confirming the invoice.

17 Questions? MNAO Workflow homepage has trainings and FAQs posted for future reference Contact Purchasing for assistance

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