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1st National Spirometry Day 31st March 2004

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Presentation on theme: "1st National Spirometry Day 31st March 2004"— Presentation transcript:

1 1st National Spirometry Day 31st March 2004
Key figures Website visitors : 3,176 Calls to call centre : 8,483 Registrations for spirometry : >2,600 Participating centres : 79

2 1st National Spirometry Day 31st March 2004
Key problems Appointment system Last minute changes Patients who did not show up Patients who came without appointment Too few centres in major cities

3 1st National Spirometry Day 31st March 2004
Scientific Objectives : 1. Determine the prevalence of COPD and asthma in a selected group (possibly to be corrected by taking a random sample of the general population). 2. Examine whether PEFR is a valid method for the detection of COPD.

4 1st National Spirometry Day 31st March 2004
3. Examine to what extent MEFR and FEF75-25 are reduced in patients with COPD and linked to COPD more than to smoking.

5 Data analysis > 2,600 spirometries performed
1,901 spirometries collected 928 spirometries with flow-volume curve

6 Steering Commitee

7 Source of news (top 5) Newspaper 55% TV 27% Relative 5%
Newspaper and TV 4% GP 3%

8 Gender Female 47% Male 53%

9 Region Brussels 20% Wallonia 32% Flanders 48%

10 History Family history asthma 24% Family history COPD 15%
Personal history asthma 16% Personal history COPD 13% Occupational exposure 28%

11 Symptoms Cough 63% Expectoration 56% Dyspnoea 68% Wheezing 64%
(Ex-) Smoking 71%

12 Symptoms 0 2% 1 7% % % % %

13 Smoking history <3 pack years 2% 4 pack years 1% 5 pack years 1%

14 Characteristics Age, yrs 55 ± 13 FVC, L 3.73 ± 1.00
FVC, % pred ± 17 FEV1, L ± 0.85 FEV1, % pred ± 20 FEV1/VC ± 10

15 Abnormal spirometry FEV1/FVC <70% 163 (24%) FVC <80% and 29 (4%)

16 Restrictive FVC < 80%pred FEV1/FVC ≥ 0.7

17 Asthma Age < 40 yrs History of asthma < 10 pack years

18 Abnormal spirometry COPD 11.8 % Restrictive 4.3 % Asthma 12.6 %
Healthy 71.3 %

19 COPD (n=79) GOLD IV 1.3% GOLD III 10.1 % GOLD II 49.4% GOLD I 39.2%

20 150 130 110 90 PEFR (%) 70 50 30 30 50 70 90 FEV1/FVC

21 III II I GOLD FEV1/FVC FEV1 % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 30 40 50 60 70
110 120 130 140 FEV1 %

22 FEF25-75 (%pred) FEV1/FVC (%)

23 Symptoms Control (n=92) Cough 2% Expectoration 3% Dyspnoea 1%
Wheezing 2% (Ex-) Smoking 37%

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