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What is Fluency?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Fluency?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Fluency?

2 Fluency is… …the ability to read a text accurately, quickly, and with expression. Fluent readers read aloud effortlessly and with expression. Their reading sounds natural, as if they are speaking …the ability to read accurately, quickly, expressively, with good phrasing, AND with good comprehension. -Timothy Rasinski

3 Why is Fluency Important?
Fluency is important because it provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. When fluent readers read silently, they recognize words automatically. They group words quickly to help them gain meaning from what they read. -

4 And… Because fluent readers do not have to concentrate on decoding the words, they can focus their attention on what the text means. They can make connections among the ideas in the text and their background knowledge. In other words, fluent readers recognize words and comprehend at the same time. Less fluent readers, however, must focus their attention on figuring out the words, leaving them little attention for understanding the meaning of text.


6 Practice time! Let’s listen and try it out…

7 Uggggg! Words Per Minute!
Let’s look at several rubrics…

8 Here’s how… Total words read correctly Time in seconds (X 60) 215 total words read correctly 192 seconds (3 minutes 12 seconds) (X 60) 67= WPM

9 What can you do at home? -Poetry -Recorded Readings -Multiple Reads -Funny Reads -ABC Punctuation Reads

10 ABC Punctuation Reads…

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