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Subheader of Presentation / Name of Presenter

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Presentation on theme: "Subheader of Presentation / Name of Presenter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Subheader of Presentation / Name of Presenter
Title of Presentation Subheader of Presentation / Name of Presenter

2 Use This Slide for Text-Only Pages
Introductions Agendas Brief paragraphs Lists of items Exposition Morgridge College of Education

3 Use This Slide for Text-Only Pages
Introductions Agendas Brief paragraphs Lists of items Exposition Morgridge College of Education

4 Use this Slide for Large Graphics
Morgridge College of Education

5 Use This Slide for Large Single Photos
Morgridge College of Education

6 Slides with Heavier Text & Images
DU Change Agents Aproximately 11,600 DU students 5,300 undergraduates 6,300 graduate students Morgridge College of Education Largest number of new students Most racially diverse Affinity and student organizations 12,000 Alumni Alumni and career services Morgridge College of Education

7 Use for Large Photos with Text Overlay
Use edge-to-edge photos Use this overlay against darker or more colorful photos Overlay should not cover action area of photo Morgridge College of Education

8 Use for Large Photos with Text Overlay
Use edge-to-edge photos Use this overlay against lighter or less colorful photos Overlay should not cover action area of photo Morgridge College of Education

9 Slides with Heavier Text & Images
Leaders through Hands-On Education It’s preferably to use paragraph form instead of bullets for this type of horz format. Bridging theory to practice through field-based training and preparing leaders to close the access and achievement gaps. Morgridge College of Education

10 Use for Large Photos with Text Overlay
It’s preferably to use paragraph form or a brief, single sentence for this type of horizontal format. Morgridge College of Education

11 Use for Large Photos with Text Overlay
It’s preferably to use paragraph form or a brief, single sentence for this type of horizontal format. Morgridge College of Education

12 Interstitial Slide Header
Use to introduce chapters within the presentation, for instance… Programs Department of Educational Research, Policy and Practice Department of School and Counseling Psychology Department of Research Methods and Information Science

13 Thank You for Participating!
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