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Orienteering in the terrain

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1 Orienteering in the terrain
Basic Map Info - 2 Orienteering in the terrain

2 An orienteering map is different from a topographic map:
Mountaineers use a topographic map. The scale is usually 1 / or 1 / A topographic map shows: * only very distinct roads and vehicle tracks * only distinct rivers * forests - green * open areas - white

3 An orienteering map is more detailed:
The scale is usually 1/ * vegetation is more detailed: each colour has a meaning showing difference in vegetation * very small streams, even dried up water courses are shown * even small paths, tracks are shown

4 What can you see on a course map for orienteering?
1 - The scale 2 - The elevation (difference in height) between two contours --> “contour interval” 3 - The category this course belongs to 4 - The length of the course (as the crow flies) 5 - Control point definitions 6 - The course itself, shown by: * the start (triangle) * the finish (two concentric circles) * the control points (single circle)

5 1 cm on the map = 100 meters on the terrain 1 / 5 000:
THE SCALE The scale of the map is useful in estimating the distance from where you are now, and where you want to go. 1 / : 1 cm on the map = 100 meters on the terrain 1 / 5 000: 1 cm on the map = 50 meters on the terrain You need to know how to count your paces!

6 Pace counting Homework: Measure your pace for 100 meters
* count 2 paces for 1 * count: - uphill - downhill - straight bit * count: - walking - jogging - running

7 Contour interval The contour interval shows the vertical difference in height (the elevation) between two contours. Contour interval = 5 m 5 m = One and a half stories in a block of flats The distance between two contours on the map will show the effort for climbing; Less effort Steep climb

8 Contour interval Homework: if the contour interval is 5 m
Assuming the first contour lies at the lowest point (car park surface), how many contours for A? B? C? Which one has the most climb? Note: “most climb” may not mean “longest distance”! B C A

9 COLORS Yellow White Green show density of vegetation
Black shows “man-made features” or “stone features” rocks, stony ground, buildings, roads, paths, fences, special man-made objects... Blue shows water lakes, rivers, streams, dried up water course, well, fountain, swamp... Brown shows earth contours, knolls, pits, earth banks, special earth features...

10 Black Paved area Unpaved path Rockface (teeth point downwards)
Building Man-made object Asphalt Road Fence Rock Power line

11 Man-made line features
roads fences stone wall power lines

12 Difference in width...

13 Unpaved paths and tracks...
Less distinct path, wide enough for only one person More distinct path, wide enough for 2 people to walk together Vehicle track wide enough for a vehicle to pass


15 asphalt road unpaved vehicle track distinct footpath less distinct footpath fence (passable) fence (impassable - forbidden to pass) ruined fence stone wall small power line or telephone line high voltage power line

16 Match the terrain with the map



19 More black: Stone features

20 Blue

21 Water courses of different size


23 Density of Vegetation


25 Cultivated open land Rough open land Semi-open land with scattered trees Forest: easy running

26 Forest: easy running Vegetation: difficult to run Vegetation: very difficult to run


28 Undergrowth or small shrubs may slow down your pace
Dense forest runnable in one direction




32 Control descriptions used for orienteering in the terrain...

33 Control descriptions used for orienteering in the terrain...
Open land Semi-open land Forest boundary Clearing Bush, clump of dense vegetation Control descriptions used for orienteering in the terrain...

34 Distinct tree Tree stump, fallen tree

35 Depression Small depression Hole

36 re-entrant

37 ridge spur re-entrant

38 hill knoll (very small hill) ditch

39 rockface

40 boulder boulder field boulder cluster stony ground very large bare rock

41 boulder earth bank boulder field boulder cluster stony ground very large bare rock


43 Ahlatlıbel - Our first orienteering course in the terrain

44 for control descriptions
IOF Control Descriptions

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