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Current Event Discussion

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1 Current Event Discussion
Tanning Booths By: Michael, Wyatt, Leah, and Brittany Today we will discuss firmly on the issue of teen usage of tanning booths.

2 Pros and Cons of Using a Tanning Booth
-Makes your skin a sun kissed color Cons: -Causes Skin Cancer Lets start with the pros. Tanning is convenient and saves time ( can be used at anytime, you can use it during the night if that is when you have your spare time and the sun isn't there to give you rays) It provides you with Vitamin D There is a less probability of getting skin burns Reportedly makes people in better moods There are a high amount of cons to using tanning beds. The most obvious and disgusting is skin cancer. Just look at what it would do to your like that on your body? Is it really worth that tan skin to have red sort of rash on your skin?

3 Pros and Cons of Using a Tanning Booth
-Reportedly makes people in better moods Cons: -Addicting skin ages faster Cons: Addiction: The need of something everyday in order to live. Tanning is considered an addiction to teens. It ages your skin faster therefore making you older. People have been known to look 5 to even 10 yrs older when addicted to tanning. Pros:It also gives you a healthy feeling (can improve your mood, boost self-confidence)

4 Pros and Cons of Using a Tanning Booth
-Tanning is an expense that adds up if you're an addict of it. Pros: -Helps you lose weight Pros: Promotes Weight Loss You need vitamin D to effectively lose weight. Your insulin works better, and vitamin D helps you lose belly fat. Diabetes is also related to low vitamin D levels. CONS- One of the main problems is the money! It can cost up to $7-$8 dollars just per session. which adds up fast too some people addicted to tanning.

5 Pros and Cons of Using a Tanning Booth
-More than 1 million people use tanning beds each day in the United States. Cons: -Draws in nearly 2.3 million teens before prom. This puts teenagers at a higher risk for skin diseases. Pros: 1 in 3 white women have used a tanning bed 1 out of 9 colored women have used a tanning bed to clear acne or relieve stress 1 out of 7 men have used a tanning bed cons-Can change a teenagers future by diseases. -can affect their life expectancy and shorten their life. If you start tanning at a younger age you will develop a higher risk of getting skins cancer

6 Pros and Cons of Using a Tanning Booth
-More Vitamin D Cons: -Causes corneal burns CONS--Corneal burn is a flash burn caused by intense flash of light and thermal radiation. Can cause birth defects for pregnant woman such as neural tube defect, also known as spina bifida. Spina Bifida- Where spinal and backbone don't close before birth. Pros: Promotes Weight Loss You need vitamin D to effectively lose weight. Your insulin works better, and vitamin D helps you lose belly fat. Diabetes is also related to low vitamin D levels. Reduces Risk of Death Your overall mortality is reduced. Fewer Bone Fractures Without vitamin D, calcium can't be absorbed. But if you get enough vitamin D, it can help you avoid osteoporosis, bone fractures and falling, which is a cause of morbidity among the elderly. Reduces Risk of Heart Disease Vitamin D improves blood flow by relaxing the blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Helps Fight Cancer Vitamin D improves the functioning of your immune system, and that helps fight cancer.

7 Primary Sources

8 Cons Pictures

9 Pros Pictures

10 Interview with Brittany
When do you go tanning? -January to April to get ready for prom -I only go for a max of 8 minutes -I do wear lotion -When I'm in the tanning bed I cover my face with a shirt or some piece of clothing so my face doesn't get burnt. My face is very sensitive when it is in the heat.

11 Videos Pros: Cons:

12 Questions Pros:How many of you guys have gone tanning before?
Cons:How many people know of someone who has died from skin cancer? Pros: Are you more confident when you are tanner than other girls at prom? Cons:How many of you would like to get skin cancer/melanoma? Pros:Have any of you had skin cancer?

13 Works Cited con people-thank you- we are weird

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