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Chapter 1 The Science of Biology

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1 Chapter 1 The Science of Biology
Section 1:1 What is Science?


3 I. Science goals A. Investigating and understanding the natural world in an organized way. Science uses evidence from testing, collecting, organizing, connecting, collaborating, sharing, observing and examining, to learn about the natural world.

4 II. Thinking like a scientist
Scientist usually gather information during experiments or in research in a very organized way. 1. Data- Recording and gathering information in 2 different ways. A. Quantitative – data expressed in numbers, obtained by counting and measuring B. Qualitative – descriptive, involves characteristics that usually cannot be counted.

5 Inference A logical interpretation based on prior knowledge or experience. It’s like an assumption of what you think. (testing a body of water) Example: The researcher is testing a body of water. The researcher cannot test all the water, so she collects water samples from several different parts of the reservoir. If all the samples are clear to drink the researcher may infer that the water is safe to drink.

6 3. Explaining and interpreting evidence.
After a scientist’s initial observation, they will propose one or more hypothesis. Hypothesis- a proposed scientific explanation for a set of observation, that must be propose so that it can be tested. (educated guess) Generate this by using: A. Prior knowledge ( already know) B. Logical inference C. Informed, creative imagination

7 Science: as a way of knowing
Science is an ongoing process that is constantly changing. Scientist are skeptics, questioning existing ideas and new hypothesis. Scientific way is to view that the whole physical universe is a system or a collection of parts and processes that interact. Biologist concentrate on the living systems, from invisibly small to the size of an entire planet.

8 Chapter 1 Section 1:2

9 Section 1-2 How Scientists Work
I. Designing an experiment /Scientific Methods 1. Observation 2. Hypothesis 3. Experiment 4. Data Collection 5. Conclusion 6. Retest

10 Observations – Gathered through your senses
Observations – Gathered through your senses. Ex: The tallest tower was 110 cm tall. Hypothesis- A suggested solution to the problem and must be testable. Ex: If there is a pollutant in the soil where the salamander lives their tails would be curved. Experiment- A procedure to test your hypothesis which will include variables. Data- Results of the experiment which may be qualitative or quantitative.

11 Conclusion – The answer to the hypothesis based on the data obtained from the experiment.
Retest – In order to verify results, must be retested. Forming a Hypothesis – For centuries people believed in a the sudden appearance of life forms through spontaneous generation. Which means living organisms came from non-living matter.

12 Ideas and occurrences Mice arose from rice containers
Earthworms appeared on the ground after rain fall. Maggots appeared on meat over night. Beetles appeared on dung.

13 Redi’s experiment on Spontaneous Generation, Where do maggots really come from?

14 . So in Redi’s experiment he was able to prove that keeping flies away from meat would prevent the appearance of maggots, by conducting an experiment known as a controlled one.

15 Setting up a Controlled Experiment:
This type of experiment uses variables and only one variable can change. All others should be kept unchanged or CONTROLLED. Changing only one at a time…..

16 Variables – factor that can change in an experiment (examples)
Equipment, material, amount of material, temperature, light and time.

17 There are 2 types of Variables
a. Manipulated variable – (Independent)- the variable that is deliberately changed. b. Responding variable – (Dependent) - the variable that is observed and changes in response to the manipulated variable.

18 Example of variables Finding the fastest way home by walking.
Manipulated – Varying routes home. Responding – The time each route takes Controlled variable – keeping the same walker every time.

19 So in Redi’s experiment:
the manipulated variable would be, whether or not there was gauze over each jar. The responding variable would be whether the maggots appeared.

20 D. Recording and Analyzing Results - Testing
Keeping records of all the observations and data during the experiment. This is more accurate than a verbal explanation.

21 Drawing a Conclusion Use the data, evidence from the experiment to evaluate the hypothesis, and draw a valid conclusion. This way they can determine whether the hypothesis is supported or refuted.

22 Law never changes….. III. How a Theory Develops
A. A well tested explanations and observations that are thought to be true, but could change. Law never changes…..

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