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Data Types Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Types Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Types Quiz

2 What is a data type?

3 Here are some examples:
Text Numbers List Decimal Numbers Yes/No (logical) Bus,Car,Train 1,2,3,4,5 Choice of answers 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 Yes/No, True/False

4 Look at the questions on the sheets in front of you
See if you can think of possible answers to the questions Write down the data type that you would have for this answer

5 Me! Text Male/female Text/logical 13 Number 10 Number Logical Yes
Question Possible response Data Type What is your name Are you male or female? How old are you On how many days last week did you use public transport Other than for school did you use a bus last week? Length of longest journey What is your Date of Birth? Me! Text Male/female Text/logical 13 Number 10 Number Logical Yes 10 miles Decimal Number/ text 12/12/1212 Date

6 Databases (2)

7 Today you will: Revise some Database key terms
Learn how to design a database and consider valid and invalid data Learn how to begin building an electronic Address book database

8 Some questions….. What is a database? Give some examples
In database tables the columns are known as what? In database tables the rows are known as what? any collection of information that has something in common Telephone book, address book Fields Records

9 If you wanted to store the contact details of all of your friends you would use an address book
What details (fields) would you need to store? Address line 1 - 4 Home Telephone Number First Name Fields needed Surname Male/Female? Mobile No Post code Picture address Preferred contact

10 Validation… Means that the data that you enter into a field must be “valid” or of the correct type E.g. you wouldn’t be able to enter in the “Name” field

11 Typical data The type of data that is expected
E.g. “Grace” or “Mikey” in the name field

12 Extreme data Data that is outside a validation range
e.g. age 20 in a field that only allows ages from

13 On the sheet in front of you complete your database design….
Make sure that you fill in all the columns

14 We will now learn how to create our own database
We will be using a program called “DataPower”

15 Task: Begin implementing your database using Data power.
If you manage to set up all the fields then begin to collect some information for your database

16 And Finally: Tell me one thing that you now know that you didn’t before the lesson…. What is a data type? What is the name of the database software we used? What is a record?

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