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Unit: Rome Ms. Moran SWBAT:

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1 Unit: Rome Ms. Moran SWBAT:
Roman Republic Unit: Rome Ms. Moran SWBAT:

2 The Republic is born 508 BC Romans overthrow the Etruscans and establish a Republic as the new form of government. Republic- a representative form of government which is ruled by laws.

3 The Republic as a Government
Law making body = Senate mostly the wealth class known as the Patricians. The poor class, the Plebeians had very little say in government. Representatives of the Plebeians= Tribunes, who served in the assembly. Tribunes were given the right to veto, or forbid a law if it was unfair to the Plebeians Consuls= two men elected to the highest position in government, meant to enforce the laws.


5 Life in the Roman Republic
Patricians held most of the power Women were considered citizens but did not have the right to vote. Forum= center of city life

6 Roman Laws Twelve Tables- first written Roman Laws
Harsh laws, but ensured equality to all

7 Rome Athens

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