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Chapter 14 section 1 Roman Republic.

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1 Chapter 14 section 1 Roman Republic

2 Vocabulary Republic- People choose their rulers


4 Patricians- Members of oldest and richest families who could hold public office or perform certain religious rituals

5 Plebeians- Poorer citizens who paid taxes and served in the army, could not marry patricians or hold public office

6 Consuls- Head of the Roman republic who were chosen each year. Administrators and / or military leaders Both had veto power- power to say no to acts of each other

7 Tribunes- Government officials who protected the rights of the plebeians

8 Legions- Way army was organized- each contained 5,000 soldiers called legionaries and was divided into groups of 60 to 120 soldiers

9 Latifundias- large estates that produced crops, sheep, for sale (commercial farms)

10 Publicans- ancient Roman tax collectors

11 Dictator- Absolute ruler of Rome or any country Sulla was Rome’s first dictator

12 Triumvirate- A group of 3 persons with equal power Rome’s first Triumvirate was made up of Crassus, Pompeius (Pompey), and Caesar

13 2nd triumvirate: Mark Antony, Octavian, Lepidus

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