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Unit 2 “Implementation of a RC5 block cipher algorithm and implementing an attack on it”

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1 Unit 2 “Implementation of a RC5 block cipher algorithm and implementing an attack on it”

2 About RC5 Fast symmetric block cipher
Same key for encryption and decryption Plaintext and ciphertext are fixed-length bit sequences (blocks)

3 Parameters of RC5 RC5 – w/r/b E.g. RC5 – 32/16/10 w = 32 bits
r = 16 rounds b = 10-byte (80-bit) secret key variable t = 2 (r + 1) = 2 (16 + 1) = 34 rounds

4 Important parameters in details
“w”(bits) – variable word size Allowable choice for “w” in RC5– 16,32 and 64 Suggested 32 “Two” word input (plaintext) block size – 64-bit plaintext “Two” word output (ciphertext) block size – 64-bit ciphertext Design accepts all w > 0 Variable word size can exploit longer word length of processors like 64 – bit processors.

5 Important parameters in details
“r” – variable number of rounds Tradeoff between high speed and high security. Allowed values 0-255 Suggested – 12 Higher the number of rounds provides increased level of security. “S” – Expanded key table – derived from user’s secret key. “t” – The size of table “S” (depends on “r”) t = 2 ( r + 1 ) words.

6 Important parameters in details
“b” – variable length secret cryptographic key The number of bytes in the secret key K. 16 bytes suggested with allowed values from 0 – 255 “K” – The b-byte secret key : K[0], K[1], ..., K[b-1].

7 Discussion on parameters
RC5 cannot be secure for all possible values r = 0 No rounds of security will provide no encryption r = 1 One round will provide very less security As a matter of fact, it can be easily broken b = 0 No key, no security Maximum allowable parameter values will be overkill. Nominal Choice Proposed RC5 – 32/12/16

8 Notation and RC5 Primitive Ops
Three Primitive operations(and their inverses) Two’s complement addition of words, modulo 2w ‘+’ Inverse op , subtraction, ‘-’ Bit-wise exclusive OR of words, denoted by ⊕ A left-rotation of words x <<< y , cyclic rotation of word x left by y bits One word of the intermediate results is cyclically rotated by an amount determined bits of another intermediate results. The inverse operation is right-rotation, x>>>y

9 Note We see that rotations are ‘rotations by variable amount’ that is plaintext dependent We know that on modern microprocessors, a variable rotation takes constant-time Time is independent of the rotation amount y No other non-linear operations in RC5 Strength,therefore, relies on data-dependent rotations

10 RC5 Algorithm Three parts:- Key Expansion Encryption Algorithm
Decryption Algorithm

11 RC5 Algorithm – Key Expansion
Requirements of key expansion Filling the expanded key table array S[0…t – 1] with random binary words “t” – Size of table “S” => 2 ( r+1 ) S table is not an “S-box” like DES. Entries in S sequentially, one at a time. Random binary words are derived from the K.

12 RC5 Algorithm – Key Expansion
Starting with two magic constants Two word-sized binary constants Pw = Odd((e - 2) 2w ) Qw = Odd((φ – 1) 2w ) e = … (base of natural logarithms) Φ = … (golden ratio), Where, Odd(x) is the odd integer nearest to x For w = 16 and 32 in hexadecimal form P16 = b7e1 Q16 = 9e37 P32 = b7e15163 Q32 = 9e3779b9

13 RC5 Algorithm – Key Expansion
Converting the Secret Key from Bytes to Words c = ceiling(b/u) words Pseudo code for conversion:-

14 RC5 Algorithm – Key Expansion
Initializing the S Array Initialization to a particular fixed(key- independent)

15 RC5 Algorithm – Key Expansion
Mixing in the Secret Key Pseudo code:-

16 RC5 Algorithm Encryption Algorithm
Two w-bit words are denoted as A and B A = A + S[0]; B = B + S[1]; for i = 1 to r do A = (( A ⊕ B ) <<< B ) + S[ 2 * i ]; B = (( B ⊕ A) <<< A ) + S[ 2 * i + 1]; The output is in the registers A and B. Work is done on both A and B, unlike DES where only half input is updated.

17 RC5 Algorithm Decryption Algorithm (easily derived from encryption)
Two w-bit words are denoted as A and B for i = r downto 1 do B = (( B – S[ 2 * i + 1 ]) >>> A) ⊕ A; A = (( A – S[ 2 * i ] >>> B) ⊕ B; B = B - S[1]; A = A - S[0]; The output is in the registers A and B.

18 Important Notes Data dependent rotations – amount of rotation is not pre-determined. The behavior of each round is different as the rotation amount is different. Each round ends by adding expanded key from S It was experimentally[1] determined that after eight rounds in RC5-32, each message bit affected some rotation amount.

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