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Kingdom Fungi.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingdom Fungi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingdom Fungi

2 Which kingdom is fungi most closely related?

3 Fungi Characteristics
Eukaryotic Multicellular ( a few unicellular) Heterotroph (decomposers) Non-motile Cell walls made of chitin Reproduce both sexually and asexually Live in moist habitats

4 How do fungi eat? Decomposers break down complex molecules into sugars or eat sugars found in environment Examples: common bread mold (eats carbs in bread) shelf fungi on logs (eats carbs in cell wall of wood) white button mushrooms in store (eats sugars and cellulose in dung)

5 What else do fungi eat? mycorrhizal fungi (live on plant roots)
lichens (contain algae)

6 Lichens

7 Structure of Fungi 1. Hyphae: cells joined in thread-like strands

8 Mycelium = body of the fungus (many hyphae joined together)

9 Reproduction in Fungi Fungi can reproduce asexually or sexually
Fragmentation = breaking mycelia and then it regrows (asexual) Budding = mitosis and then the cells pinch off (asexual)

10 Reproduction in Fungi Reproducing by spores (can be asexual or sexual)
Spore = a reproductive cell that can develop into a new organism

11 Advantages of Spores Protection from drying out
Make a large number at one time Small and lightweight so can be dispersed by wind, water, and animals

12 Fungal Diseases Athlete’s Foot Ringworm Yeast infections Nail fungus

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