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As I lay Dying by William Faulkner

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1 As I lay Dying by William Faulkner

2 Reasons the Book Club hated it

3 STYLE-Stream of Consciousness
Technique that records the multifarious thoughts and feelings of a character without regard to logical argument or narrative sequence. The writer attempts by the stream of consciousness to reflect all the forces, external and internal, influencing the psychology of a character at a single moment. used by James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and William Faulkner.

4 William Faulkner American Writer 1897-1962
renowned Mississippi writer Nobel Prize-winning novelist and short story writer acclaimed throughout the world as one of the twentieth century’s greatest writers

5 As I Lay Dying Faulkner’s first novel published after The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying acclaimed as one of Faulkner’s greatest novels as well as a self-proclaimed “tour de force” by Faulkner himself. told in stream-of-conscious fashion by fifteen different speakers in some 59 chapters. depiction of the Bundren family’s quest to Jefferson to bury their dead matriarch, Addie, among her “people,” against the threats of flood and fire

6 SETTING—The South Yoknapatawpha County : Pronounced "Yok ´ nuh puh TAW ´ fuh." A county in northern Mississippi, the setting for most of William Faulkner's novels and short stories, and patterned upon Faulkner's actual home in Lafayette County, Mississippi.

7 In Go Down, Moses: The Miscegenation of Time, he suggests Faulkner might have consulted a 1915 Dictionary of the Choctaw Language in which the word is broken down as follows: ik patafo, a., unplowed. patafa, pp., split open; plowed, furrowed; tilled. yakni, n., the earth; ...soil; ground; nation; ...district.... yakni patafa, pp., furrowed land; fallowed land.


9 GENRE-- Southern Gothic
subgenre of the Gothic writing style, unique to American Literature. Like its parent genre, it relies on supernatural, ironic, or unusual events to guide the plot.

10 Southern Gothic Unlike its predecessor, it uses these tools not for the sake of suspense, but to explore social issues and reveal the cultural character of the American South

11 Set up your notebook thusly:
Characters– the one speaking and those involved in action Images/words/italics/blanks– these will repeat or “echo” across chapters Note a passage – page and paragraph number Comment on the passage

12 Bundren Family: Pa, Anse Addie, Ma Darl, (Boy) 2 Cash, (Boy) 1 Jewel, (Boy) 3 Dewey Dell, (GIRL) 4 Vardaman, (Boy) youngest Tull Family Cora Tull (wife ) Vernon Tull, Tull (Hubby) Eula (Daughter) Kate (Daughter)

13 Commonly used dialect Ere = e’er = Ever ( sometimes) Ere = Before

14 By the way, this is an adze:
What literary technique is the “Chuck. Chuck. Chuck.”?

15 Reading Comprehension– cracking the code of this book.
What is the last thing Darl is doing in his chapter? Where is Darl on page 9? Page 8: “The quilt is drawn up to her chin…” WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? Where is Cora?

16 Correct! Well done young scholar!
Darl is at the top of the hill about to enter the house… On Page 9, Darl has entered the house “Quilt drawn up to her chin…” Cora thinking about the cakes while she is sitting in the house with Addie Bundren who is in bed dying. Darl has come up the hill and entered the house. Therefore…

17 Each of these chapters is taking place at (almost) the same time but from different points of view.
Where is Cash? Jewel?

18 Subjectivity Each character has his own limited view of the world (limited by location and by their own thoughts which influence how they percieve the world…) There is no objective narrative voice to comment on the characters or tell who is right or wrong or sympathetic.

19 Topic: The school year so far. Or
Do Now: WRITE in stream of consciousness—just don’t use your own consciousness. Topic: The school year so far. Or your own topic.

20 Perhaps write as one of these people:

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