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Wastewater/Water Cohort Session #2

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Presentation on theme: "Wastewater/Water Cohort Session #2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wastewater/Water Cohort Session #2
Homework Update

2 Homework from Session 1 Identify Energy Champion Form Energy team
Provide commitment letter to Executive Sponsor Draft Energy Policy Review Spider assessment diagram with Energy Team and finalize Review O&M Opportunity list with Energy team. Select 10 possible projects and top three choices. Meet with your energy utility account representative and Energy Smart Industrial or Puget Sound Energy Establish method or protocol for collection and tracking of energy use Establish your baseline energy period, quantity of energy used, dashboard indicator and load factor

3 Session 1 - Deliverables
Send to  Phil as follow up  Commitment Letter Energy policy Spider Diagram O&M list of 10 plus top 3 SOP of Energy Tracking method

4 Session 2 Homework Due October 5: Summary of Energy Team Meetings
Dates and number of meetings For each meeting - attendees and agendas Start at least one of the O&M Projects Select Calculate Key Performance Indicators (min below) kWh/MG treated  and mmBTU/MG treated  kWh / 1000 lb BOD Removed and mmBTU/1000 lb BOD removed For water plants: kWh / MG produced and mmBTU/MG produced

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