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Presentation on theme: "EARLY AMERICAN PRESIDENTS"— Presentation transcript:


2 George Washington No Political Party VP – John Adams

3 George Washington Was not a Politician Relied on His Cabinet for Help

4 Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury
Raised taxes to cover debt from Revolutionary War Created 1st National Bank to hold all tax money

5 Alexander Hamilton Secretary of Treasury
The bank upset those who feared a strong national gov’t (Anti-Federalists)

6 Jay’s Treaty Allowed Great Britain to leave some military forts in US in NW territories First time Americans became upset with George Washington

7 Began to emerge during Washington’s Presidency
Political Parties Began to emerge during Washington’s Presidency

8 John Adams 1797 – 1801 Federalist VP – Thomas Jefferson

9 John Adams XYZ Affair America refused to bribe French officials to stop piracy of US Ships

10 John Adams Alien &Sedition Act
illegal to criticize gov’t officials w/o proof Upset Dem-Rep cause violated First Amendment

11 Democratic– Republican Aaron Burr, George Clinton
Thomas Jefferson Democratic– Republican Aaron Burr, George Clinton

12 Thomas Jefferson Election of 1800 TJ’s Goal
First Peaceful Transfer of Power TJ’s Goal Reduce the role and size of federal government

13 Thomas Jefferson Embargo Act
Eliminated trade with foreign countries in Europe due to piracy

14 Supreme Court Under Jefferson, Supreme Court sought to establish its power in the new gov’t

15 Thomas Jefferson Marbury vs. Madison
Established Judicial Review for all court cases in US

16 Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall
Marbury vs Madison gave court judicial review

17 Supreme Court McCullough vs Maryland prohibited states from taxing agencies of the federal gov’t

18 Democratic-Republican Eldridge Gary
James Madison Democratic-Republican Eldridge Gary

19 War of 1812 Fought between US and Great Britain over freedom of the Sea and Native American Conflicts


21 Extremely unpopular war on both sides
War of 1812 Extremely unpopular war on both sides

22 Treaty of Ghent Officially ended War Neutral victory
America gained Oregon Territory Americans began to move into FL (Spanish Territory)

23 James Monroe 1817 – 1825 National Republican VP - Daniel Tompkins

24 James Monroe Wanted Europe to stay out of US Affairs
Created a rise in Nationalism in America

25 James Monroe Adams-Onis Treaty
US acquired the Florida Territory from Spain

26 Monroe Doctrine Created to keep Europe out of the affairs of America
It had four major provisions (essential Knowledge)

27 MONROE DOCTRINE The American continents should not be considered for future colonization by any European powers. Nations in the Western Hemisphere were inherently different from those of Europe, republics by nature rather than monarchies.

28 MONROE DOCTRINE The United States would regard as a threat to its own peace and safety any attempt by European powers to impose their system on any independent state in the Western Hemisphere. The United States would not interfere in European affairs.


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