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Dementia Action Week 21 – 27 May

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1 Dementia Action Week 21 – 27 May
People are already aware. It’s action we now need. It’s help, it’s support. Turning into action week is absolutely the best thing I’ve heard.’  Chris, person living with dementia We’re asking people to SIGN UP, TEAM UP, TAKE ON DEMENTIA. This is the ideal time to focus on how you can team up and take on dementia. Perhaps you could decide on how to change your community to be more dementia friendly, volunteer for one of Alzheimer’s Society Cymru’s services, plan a series of Dementia Friends information sessions during the week and encourage more Dementia Friends to become Dementia Champions. And you can sign up, team up and compete to beat dementia with our all-new, action-packed mega-quiz. With someone developing dementia every three minutes, it’s the biggest health and social care challenge we face right now. This is your chance to help us outsmart it, using the mighty power of the quiz to raise funds – and have a lot of fun. No need to come up with questions and answers, we’ll do that for you and provide a poster, score sheets, extra quiz rounds, invitations and certificates too. Sign up to Dementia Action Week at and order your quiz here: Cupcake Day: 14 June Calling all bakers! Cupcake is back . Sign up for your free fundraising kit and all you need to host at THANK YOU Thank you again for supporting Alzheimer’s Society as your charity this year. We’re hearing of some wonderful support from your members and look forward to hearing from even more of you. We hope you’ll join in Dementia Action Week and celebrate Cupcake Day during the next few months! Claire Carwardine Regional Fundraising Support Officer E: T:

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