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Complex IT solution for a Hungarian Children's Hospital György Velkey MD general director Bethesda Childrens Hospital of the Hungarian Reformed Church.

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Presentation on theme: "Complex IT solution for a Hungarian Children's Hospital György Velkey MD general director Bethesda Childrens Hospital of the Hungarian Reformed Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 Complex IT solution for a Hungarian Children's Hospital György Velkey MD general director Bethesda Childrens Hospital of the Hungarian Reformed Church One solution of Deutsche Telekom Group

2 What are the expectations … … of EU? Development of healthcare IT infrastructure Broadband access (wired or wireless) Online health services: telemedicina, telediagnostics, e-receipt Government

3 … of the Government? Higher standard of patient service Cost and effort efficiency Co-operations without geographical borders Hospital What are the expectations…

4 … of the patients? High standard service, better accomodation Efficient management storage and process of patients data Hospital What are the expectations …

5 … of the Hospitals? Exact and fair financing 24 hours running, flawless systems Quick access to correct information anywhere, anytime Applications and services in integrated systems Increasing efficiency of therapies Communication without limits Quick access to external databasis Hospital infrastructure What are the expectations…

6 Main question data patients staff members devices At appropriate place, in appropriate time

7 Key parameters of Bethesda Hospital Owned by the Hungarian Reformed Church General paediatric hospital in Budapest National center in burn injury and neurology, regional center in intensive care, traumatology, rehabilitation 135 active and 25 rehabilitation beds, outpatient services 8-9.000 inpatients, 120.000 – 140.000 outpatients yearly Two locations – 1 km distance 306 employees (49 doctors, 159 assistant, 98 other) Budget: 5,0 M EUR/year New infocommunication system: T systems – Cisco project: 2007. Infocommunication system before the project: Telephony: 2 PBXs, 220 extension 151 PCs, 70% older than 3 years

8 Changing healthcare system in Hungary –Changing structure – lowering capacities –Changing financing modes –Changing rules New infocommunication system in Bethesda Hospital 2007.: year of changing

9 The complex IT solution for Bethesda Hospital supplied by T-Systems, Cisco and GlobeNet Integrated IT and telco solutions T-Systems, Cisco and GlobeNet supplied complex solution, not only hardware and software Elements are of best practice Advantages: Flexibly sizeable, self-defending network Securely separable functions (internet access to anyone, access to the medical systems only for authorised personnel) Mobile: achievable anywhere, anytime

10 Elements of the project Wired and wireless LAN, 100%- WiFi penetration IP telephony integrated mobile-IP telephony RFID localisation system VPN remote access MedWorkS medical system Integrated customer calling system Internet access anywhere in the hospital Electronic signature New hardware and software infrastructure (PCs, printers) Wireless devices (Tablet PC, PDA). E-learning

11 Devices donated 75 desktops and 3 tablet PCs PDA-s PACS monitors Wireless LAN (Wifi) Expanded existing wired LAN Active RFID devices Nokia E61 dual-phones By T-SystemsBy Cisco WiFi Access Points AP Management és Localisation Call Manager cluster IP telephony (wired & wireless) IP Video telephone (Cisco 7985) Voice Gateway (C2801) LAN switching (3750, 3560) Security (CSA, ACS, ASA) Nokia E61, E71 telephone Cisco/Nokia Licence

12 Services donated by T-Systems ISDN30 voice gateway to the PSTN telephony network E-signature and time pass (for 5 persons) Remote access (via ADSL) to the server of the Hospital for 5 people e-Learning, in order to educate the employees on the new medical system and the use of new devices Client call system Projectmanagement Management of the IT infrastructure until December 31, 2009

13 Then and now… Then Patients waiting for examination dont know where to go Long waiting Now Intelligent client call system (integrated into the medical system) shows where, and when the patient has to be present Further development opportunities: Online scheduling Scheduling via call center

14 Then Running or making phone- calls about find the doctors, assistants, or equipments Now Equipments protected by RFID Internal WiFi IP telephone, intelligent messaging and alarm functions Dual phone (integrated mobile-IP telephone) Then and now…

15 Then Separate telephony and IT network, internet access only on a couple of PC-s, high access and usage fees, difficult operation Now Integrated voice-data- video Unified communications network, unified monthly fee, easy operation Then and now…

16 Then Information can only be accessed from one specific place Now The patients data are achievable anywhere (at the bed, from home), anytime due to the wireless LAN and the mobile devices Then and now…

17 Then Several different applications: accounting, controlling medical, laboratory – several suppliers, several monthly fees Now One integrated medical system (including diagnostics, pharmacy, logistics, controlling, finance functions) – unified monthly fee Medworks – Globenet Then and now…

18 Then Determined time and location of trainings Now E-learning – anytime, anywhere Then and now…

19 Then Several systems, Several suppliers, Several platforms, Several SLA-s Now One system, supplier, platform One SLA System integration and project management from T- Systems Then and now…

20 White Paper What is it? All steps of the development are documented in this White Paper from the initial steps to the hand over The results due to the new IT system can be measured via indicators. Highlights the return on investment and gained advantages Indicators Average time spent on gathering and process of data reduced Costs of operation per asset value reduced Occurence of system out-of- order reduced The average age of the IT devices reduced from 5.5 years to 1.5 years Number of work places with internet access grown

21 Further opportunities… Replication of this project in other hospitals and healthcare institutions 75 billion HUF (EUR 288 million) of EU funds have just become available to develop regional primary hospitals Key issue is financing

22 Modern infocommunication system at a church hospital? High professional standards Curing community Holistic, child and family centered care Better technical possibilities Better possibilities in communication Comfort of children and parents

23 Partner in Bulgaria

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