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ECouncil Meeting 1 January 18th, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "ECouncil Meeting 1 January 18th, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECouncil Meeting 1 January 18th, 2017

2 Topics Meeting Dates Other Dates Election Info SOA Awards MacQuigg Award Volunteer Opportunities Expo Coordinator Opportunity

3 Meeting dates January 18th – ECouncil Meeting 1 February 1st – ECouncil Meeting 2 February 15th – ECouncil Meeting 3 – Officer Elections March 1st – ECouncil Meeting 4 March 22nd – ECouncil Meeting 5 April 5th – ECouncil Meeting 6 April 19 – ECouncil Meeting 7 – Fund Requests

4 Important dates March 29th – SOA Awards April 1st-7th – ArchE Week TBA – Dean’s Address (for bonus hours)

5 Election info Open Positions: Exec Board (election process)
President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Webmaster Director Positions (application process) ArchE Week Director Assistant Webmaster Events Director PR/Branding Director Volunteer Hour Director

6 Election info Elections will take place during Meeting #3 (February 15th) for EXEC BOARD POSITIONS Executive Board members cannot be ECouncil representatives Applications will open later on for DIRECTOR POSITIONS IF INTERESTED, PLEASE CONTACT SOULAS.8

7 SOA awards College  of Engineering celebrates and recognizes the services of over 100 engineering and architecture organizations Awards include: Outstanding Student Organization Outstanding Partnership with Industry Outstanding Community/University Service Outstanding Advisor Media Darling Diversity and Inclusion Enhancement Outstanding Outreach with K-12 To nominate your organization: Go to Click Academics Click Undergraduate Studies Click Get Involved Nominations are due February 25th The SOA Banquet will be March 28th

8 Macquigg award Presented to faculty members who have demonstrated, in a superior manner, their interest in and willingness to help students, their interest in the improvement of the high reputation of the College of Engineering and their outstanding teaching ability. To nominate a faculty member: Go to Click Events Click MacQuigg Award Click MacQuigg Award Nomination Form Nominations are due February 28th

9 Volunteer opportunity
Event: Blood Drive with the American Red Cross Date: Monday, January 22, 2018 Location: Physics Research Building Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm Shifts: Setup: 10am-11am Recruitment/Registration: 11am-4pm Event Coordinator: Matthew Lertola and Melissa Rodewald Sign-up: Contact event Coordinators

10 Volunteer opportunity
Event: Graduate Networking Date: Monday, January 29, 2018 Location: CBEC Time: 5:00pm - 9:30pm Shifts: Need 3 people from 5-6 pm, 3 people from 8:30-9:30 pm, 2 people for every hour between 5:45 - 8:45 pm Event Coordinator: Bhuvi Nirudhoddi and Yixiao Cui Sign-up: Contact event Coordinators ***Meals and refreshments provided

11 Volunteer opportunity
Event: AIChE Networking Night Date: Monday, January 29, 2018 Location: Scott Lab E100 Time: 5:30pm – 8:30pm Shifts: Set Up, Student Check In, Bag/Coat Check, Clean Up/Tear Down Event Coordinator: Leah Soppi and Brad Recker Sign-up: Contact event Coordinators

12 Expo coordinator Are you interested in coordinating an event where Ohio State engineering students meet with employers from Ohio, across the country, and around the world? This annual event is the Engineering Expo! Nicole Ricker, Rachael Knapp and Shivani Patel served as the 2017 coordinators and are now accepting applications for next years coordinators! If you are interest, please complete the application by 5:00pm Friday, January 26th here! All questions and issues can be directed to Rachael at

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