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Integrated Plan Update

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1 Integrated Plan Update
Planning and Resource Council (PaRC) October 11, 2017

2 Integrated Plan 2017-19 Due December 15, 2017
Merges three (3) existing plans Basic Skills Initiative Student Equity Plan Student Success and Support Program (credit and non-credit) NOTES FOR PAUL Presentation to focus on the status and evolution of the Integrated Plan (merging of BSI, Equity, 3SP Plans per the state chancellor’s office) over the past year. This presentation also includes an update from the discussions that occurred in the Student Success Collaborative meetings this summer, which focused on identifying some preliminary goals to share out to the college and discuss. State Chancellor’s office charge: Merge the three existing plans into one One document that will cover two years, instead of the usual one year [The three budgets will continue to be separate pots of money] Student Success Collaborative met monthly in with the primary charge of creating the Integrated Plan Student Success Collaborative (key membership made up of tri-chairs from BSW, SEW and 3SPAC with meetings facilitated by the Interim Director of Equity Programs)

3 Target Population First time new students
Placing in non-transferrable English/ESLL and/or non-degree applicable Math NOTES FOR PAUL During the summer, the Collaborative met to review data (related to the existing plans) , discussing and identifying some preliminary goals Dialogue of plan’s main goal is to focus on students with basic skills needs This population will encompass a cross-section of students—by race, income, CTE, transfer-focused, etc. Students need to get out of basic skills sequence as quickly as possible—the longer a student is on this pathway, the likelihood of getting to transfer-level decreases and ends up requiring more time (and money)—based on our own local review of data that is supported by existing research Focus initially on first time, and over time will include all students with basic skills needs

4 Data Highlights Revisited indicators from the 2015- 16 reports
Disproportionate impact? Access and outcomes Which populations? NOTES FOR LISA Student Success Collaborative reviewed data related to objectives listed in the BSI, SEP and 3SP Note that the state did drive what the indicators were and what data sources to reference Some key findings: Disproportionate impact continues to exist (aka academic disparities) In terms of outcomes—such as course success/completion (grade=A, B, C, P) In terms of starting point—placement into basic skills In terms of accessing services—related to 3SP, including counseling (note: CNSL 5 is not required)

5 What’s the Story? The Latinx narrative Increasing enrollment
Majority with basic skills needs Lower course success rates compared to other groups Notions of place, community and integration? NOTES FOR LISA Another main finding from data Latino/a students are increasing in representation (cite Opening Day presentation related to SHEA) But key is that more Latino/a students are placing into basic skills and there continues to be a gap in course success/completion compared to the overall college completion rate As the Latino/a student population continues to increase, what is the college doing to facilitate their success? How can the college contribute to that story line so that there is a greater chance for student success/

6 Integrated Plan: Proposed Goals
Main outcome: Basic Skills Completion Plan to identify five (5) goals to support the main outcome Framework: How can we contribute to our students’ experiences? Increase the odds for student success? NOTES FOR ISAAC State’s plan template indicates we only need to identify 5 goals The following information presents more than 5 goals—to open a college-level discussion These goals are gleaned from the meeting conversations—they are written broadly so that a wide ranges of activities and approaches (qualitative and quantitative) can be included—important for those who actually will implement so they have a place in our process The conversation here is about how the college can serve as that change agent (scaffold and support) that students (especially those with basic skills needs) may not have had access, opportunity or resources to previously.

7 Integrated Plan: Proposed Goals
Share, discuss and gather feedback through participatory governance Anything missing? NOTES FOR ISAAC State’s plan template indicates we only need to identify 5 goals We are reviewing more than 5 today—to open the discussion --SHARE PROPOSED GOALS HERE-- Purpose is to engage in dialogue about what is proposed and reflection of other possible goals—for example, non-cognitive goals? However, note that Ed code states we do need to have a component that focuses on students with basic skills needs

8 The Conversation Continues!
Feedback is appreciated NOTES Next steps: Discussion Student Success Collaborative will consider and narrow to five goals Then identify supporting activities per each area (what each pot of funds will focus on and evaluate) Draft plan will engage the participatory governance process Plan needs to be approved by the Board of Trustees before December 15, 2017 submission NOTE: The submission to the state is not a full plan as implementation/operationalization of the plan is not covered. The Collaborative will continue to meet to discuss the strategic and implementation plans—What are the subgoals? What are the activities of focus for each funding source? What are the metrics and targets? What is the change we are trying to achieve for each activity?

9 Thank You Student Success Collaborative

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