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FFA Contests By: Mr. Brock.

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1 FFA Contests By: Mr. Brock

2 Contests There are several FFA contests for students to participate in. Students should try the ones that interest them. See your instructor for more information on a contest.

3 Contests Contests are held at several levels. County District State

4 Land Judging Students judge 4 areas. Pasture Land Crop Land Home Site
Forest Land Each has it’s own guidelines.

5 Pasture Land

6 Crop Land

7 Forest Land Hardwood/Pine Pulpwood/Saw timber DBH Litter Depth

8 Home Site

9 Soil Characteristics pH Texture Depth
Other considerations include slope and fertilizer ratios

10 Livestock Judging Teams judge livestock, usually cows, and place them in order according to their characteristics.

11 Cattle At the county contest 4 cattle are judged based on: Size
Defects Obvious fertility problems Appearance Etc.

12 Reasons Reasons are then presented to the judge for the placement.

13 Building Construction
Easiest to pick up, but most physically demanding contest. At district teams test their construction knowledge. At state teams build a small structure according to the plans they are given.

14 Small Engines Teams test their knowledge on small engines
At state students apply their knowledge to troubled engines.

15 Small Engines Engines may have several problems
Troubleshooting knowledge required.

16 Speaking Contests Prepared Public Speaking requires that the speaker prepare a 6-8 minute speech document. At the contest they will deliver the speech from memory while demonstrating communication skills. Extemporaneous Speaking requires that a student develop a 4-6 minute speech on the spot. Creed Speaking is a 7-9th grade contest that requires the student to memorize and recite the FFA Creed from memory.

17 Ag Mechanics Ag Mechanics covers Electricity, Plumbing, Construction, Welding and basic farming operations. At the District level teams test their knowledge on the subjects. At the State Contest several team activities measure skill and proficiency.

18 Other Contests Forestry Poultry Judging Tractor Driving Floriculture
Parliamentary Procedure FFA String Band And others…

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