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2 Learning Objectives: Identify the three subatomic particles found in atoms. (A) Explain how compounds are different from their component elements. (A) Describe the two main types of chemical bonds. (A) Discuss the unique properties of water. (B) Describe the unique qualities of carbon. (B) Explain the relationship between chemical energy & bonding. (A) Describe the structures and functions of each of the four groups of macromolecules. (C) Identify and interpret the parts of a chemical equation. (A) Explain why enzymes are important to living things. (B) Discuss factors affecting enzyme activity. (B)

3 Monday (all Classes)_ 10/16/17
Agenda: Wonderful Atoms Atom Notes/Review Cosmos Atom Drawing Atom History Warm Up: What parts can an atom be broken down into? 6th Period ONLY: People who missed test on Thursday – Will take WEDNESDAY with me during lunch. Learning Target(s) – What you should be able to do by the end of today: Identify the three subatomic particles found in atoms.

4 The Chemistry of Life Chapter 2

5 The Nature of Matter

6 What is an atom? The smallest particle of an element that has the chemical properties of the element.

7 Equal mass; Found in the Nucleus
The Atom Three subatomic particles: Protons: + charge Neutrons: no charge Electrons: - charge; in constant movement around the Nucleus # protons = # electrons, so the atom is neutral overall. Amazing Atoms Equal mass; Found in the Nucleus

8 A pure substance that consists entirely of one type of atom.
Elements A pure substance that consists entirely of one type of atom. Listed on the periodic table. Ex: hydrogen (H) Where is it? Why?

9 Wednesday (2, 3, 4, 5)_ /18/17 Agenda: Complete Cosmos Water Notes/Review Video Water Article/Vocabulary review H2OLYMPICS Lab Warm Up: What atoms make up the molecule water? Learning Target(s) – What you should be able to do by the end of today: Identify the three subatomic particles found in atoms.

10 Compounds Two or more elements chemically combined together.
The chemical and physical properties of a compound are different than the properties of the individual elements from which it is formed. Ex: NaCl

11 Chemical Bonds Two types:
Covalent: Electrons are shared (travel around both nuclei); creates molecules Molecules: smallest unit of a compound with covalent bonds Ex: H2O (2 atoms of H, 1 atom of O) Ionic: electrons are transferred from one atom to another

12 Properties of Water A Good Review

13 Mixture Composed of two or more elements or compounds.
NOT chemically combined. Solution: a mixture with components evenly distributed throughout Two parts: Solute: the part that is dissolved Solvent: the part that does the dissolving solUte goes in solvent Ex. Sugar and Water – which is which?s


15 Thursday (C-Day)_ __ 10/19/17
Agenda: H2OLYMPICS LAB pH Notes Cabbage Lab! Tomorrow! Warm Up: Why is water such a unique molecule? Please get out: Wonderful Water Paper Cosmos Questions Learning Target(s) – What you should be able to do by the end of today: Discuss the unique properties of water.

16 Acids & Bases pH: Scale showing how acidic or basic a substance is.
Acids: form H+ ions in a solution pH = 1-7 Bases: form OH- in a solution pH = 7-14 Help maintain homeostasis!

17 Friday (All)_ __________ 10/20/17
Agenda: H2OLYMPICS LAB Turn in Ocean Acidification Cabbage Lab! Schedule: Per 8:30-9:20a Per 9:26a-10:16a 10:22-10:52a Per 10:58-11:48a 11:48-12:28p Per 12:28-1:18p Per 1:24-2:14p Per 2:20-3:10p Warm Up: SHORT CLASSES –COME IN AND GET STARTED SO WE CAN DO THE LAB!!! Is our tap water basic or acidic? Please get your HW (Wonderful Water) out to be stamped. Please get your H2Olympics Lab out to turn in. Learning Target(s) – What you should be able to do by the end of today: Describe the unique qualities of carbon. (B) Explain the relationship between chemical energy & bonding. (A) Describe the structures and functions of each of the four groups of macromolecules. (C)

18 Monday (all Classes)_ __ 10/23/17
Agenda: Go Over: Wonderful Water Packet, pH Lab questions 5-7, do 4 if needed Carbon Notes Macro- Molecule Jigsaw/Poster Macromolecules Pt I Warm Up: What’s one reason it might be helpful to understand what atoms (elements) are in food/water/pH? Please get out Wonderful Water Lab and pH lab. Learning Target(s) – What you should be able to do by the end of today: Describe the unique qualities of carbon. (B) Explain the relationship between chemical energy & bonding. (A) Describe the structures and functions of each of the four groups of macromolecules. (C)

19 Carbon Atoms

20 Why is carbon in all life?
Carbon has 4 electrons for bonding, so it can form strong covalent bonds with many other elements (like H, O, P, S, and N). Carbon can form single, double and triple bonds with itself. Organic = contains Carbon (not the same as Organic labeling)

21 Macromolecules = GIANT molecules
Monomers: smaller unit Polymers: larger compound Types of Macromolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, proteins Where can we typically find these?

22 Early Release_ ______ __ 10/25/17
Agenda: Macromolecules Pt. I Macromolecule Lab Complete Jigsaw/Share SCHNOPS EARLY RELEASE TODAY Warm Up: Which macromolecule did your group have? Why is it important to living things (us)? Please get your Jigsaw Packet out from yesterday Learning Target(s) – What you should be able to do by the end of today: Identify the three subatomic particles found in atoms.

23 Characteristic it changes to if biomolecule present
Indicator / test: Tests for presence of: Original Color/ Characteristic Color/ Characteristic it changes to if biomolecule present Paper Towel Lipid Wet Grease Stain Lugol (Iodine Solution) Starch Brown/Black Jet Black Benedict Sugar Light Blue Orange/Rust Biuret Protein Blue Purple/Violet

24 Thursday (All Classes)_ __ 10/26/17
Agenda: Notes Pt. I SCHNOPS Video Clip Complete –Importance to Life, Check with me, Relate to Cycles and Share Macromolecule Jigsaw Will turn in Macromolecule Lab Today Warm Up: List two properties of water and explain why they are important to life. Hint: think about how our bodies work/plants work. Please get macromolecule lab out TO BE STAMPED  Learning Target(s) – What you should be able to do by the end of today: Describe the structures and functions of each of the four groups of macromolecules. (C)

25 Function in Living Things
Carbohydrates Chemical Composition Examples Function in Living Things C, H, O monosaccharides: simple sugars ( glucose, fructose, galactose) polysaccharides: complex sugars (glycogen, starch) Main source of energy. Structural purposes in some cells (cellulose in plants).

26 Function in Living Things
Lipids Chemical Composition Examples Function in Living Things C, H, O Glycerol + fatty acid fats, oil, waxes saturated: (animal fats = bad!) unsaturated: (vegetable fats = good!) Stored energy. Membranes & waterproof coverings. Chemical messengers (steroids).

27 Function in Living Things
Proteins Chemical Composition Examples Function in Living Things C, H, O, N, S polymers of amino acids enzymes Control reactions (enzymes) & cell processes. Transport materials in & out of cells. Muscle fibers Fight disease (antibodies).

28 Function in Living Things
Nucleic Acids Chemical Composition Examples Function in Living Things C, H, O, N, P sugar + phosphate group (P) + nitrogenous base (N) polymers of nucleotides DNA, RNA Store & transmit genetic information. GENES

29 Friday (All Classes)_ __ 10/27/17
Agenda: WebQuest NO SCHOOL MONDAY Warm Up: Fill in the organizer.  Learning Target(s) – What you should be able to do by the end of today: Describe the structures and functions of each of the four groups of macromolecules.

30 Chemical Reactions & Enzymes

31 Chemical Reactions When one set of chemicals changes into another set of chemicals. CO2 + H2O  H2CO3 Chemical reactions always involve the breaking of bonds in the reactants and the formation of new bonds in the products.

32 Reactants: elements or compounds that enter into a reaction
Chemical Reactions CO2 + H2O  H2CO3 Reactants: elements or compounds that enter into a reaction Ex: CO2 & H2O Products: elements or compounds that are produced (made) by a reaction Ex: H2CO3

33 Atoms and Chemical Reactions
2HCl + 2Na -> 2NaCl + H2 Remember the 2 after H2, means that there are 2 atoms of H in this molecule. (For H2O, there are 2 atoms of H and 1 atom of O.) The 2 in front of 2HCl, means that there is 2 of the entire molecule, so 2 molecules of HCl, Na and 2 molecules of NaCl.

34 Tuesday (A-Day)_ ____ 10/31/17
Agenda: Begin Semester I Project Decide on experiment Background Sources Warm Up: Happy Halloween! Learning Target(s) – What you should be able to do by the end of today: Identify and interpret the parts of a chemical equation. (A) Explain why enzymes are important to living things. (B) Discuss factors affecting enzyme activity. (B)

35 Enzymes Enzymes: proteins that act as catalysts in cells.
Substrates: the reactants of an enzyme- catalyzed reaction (how it starts) Active site: spot on the enzyme where the substrate binds

36 How an Enzyme Works? (lock- and-key model)
Temperature, pH and regulatory molecules can affect the activity of enzymes. Video

37 Wednesday (B-Day)_ __ 11/01/17
Agenda: Enzyme Lab? Review Warm Up: Happy November? Learning Target(s) – What you should be able to do by the end of today: Identify the three subatomic particles found in atoms.

38 Friday (All Classes)_ __ 11/03/17
Agenda: BioChemistry Test Warm Up: Study Learning Target(s) – What you should be able to do by the end of today: Identify the three subatomic particles found in atoms.

39 Thursday (All Classes)_ __ 10/26/17
Agenda: SCHNOPS Video Clip Share Macromolecule Jigsaw Go Over Macromolecule Lab Notes Pt. I Warm Up: Which macromolecule would you consider to be the most important? Why? Learning Target(s) – What you should be able to do by the end of today: Identify the three subatomic particles found in atoms.

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