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doc.: IEEE <doc#>

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> January 2009 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Motorola Preliminary Proposal to TG6 Date Submitted: 20 January, 2009 Source: Frederick Martin, Paul Gorday, Ed Callaway, Monique Brown, Motorola, Inc. Address: 8000 W. Sunrise Blvd., Plantation, FL, 33322, USA Voice: , FAX: , Re: TG6 Call For Proposals, IEEE P , 3 December 2008. Abstract: Key requirements of the BAN standards effort, including power, cost and throughput scalability, can be addressed using a scalable direct sequence waveform. In addition, this approach facilitates novel ultra-low cost receiver implementations. Purpose: This document is intended as a preliminary proposal for addressing the requirements of the TG6 standard. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Martin, Motorola <author>, <company>

2 Cost: lower than devices for existing standards
January 2009 Key BAN Requirements Cost: lower than devices for existing standards (e.g., , , Bluetooth® standards) Power: sufficiently low to facilitate multi-year life from small primary cells Throughput: scalable < 10 kbit/s to > 10 Mbit/s Form factor: flat, wearable Martin, Motorola

3 Fundamental Issue: Scalability
January 2009 Fundamental Issue: Scalability Standard must meet many applications with a single solution Must span 10 kbit/s to 10 Mbit/s Must scale power with throughput (Low bit rate solutions must be competitive with low throughput point solutions) Must be size and cost competitive with non-scalable solutions How to compete with non-scalable solutions? Martin, Motorola

4 direct sequence (chip) waveform
January 2009 Proposal direct sequence (chip) waveform -- similar in structure to -- chip rate scaled for higher throughput Could scale up to 16 Mbit/s, using 2400 MHz band and 22 MHz channels Multiple methods for scaling down to 10 kbit/s or below Potential for PHY layer compatibility with 15.4 Enables unique ultra-low-cost receiver implementations Martin, Motorola

5 January 2009 PHY Scalability IEEE uses a fixed DSSS approach at 2.4 GHz … add scalability using chip rate and coding options: Data Rate (Mbit/s) Chip Rate (Mchip/s) BW (20 dB) (MHz) Chips/ Symbol Bits/Symbol 16 20.8 1 8 10.4 2 32 4 0.5 5.2 0.25 2.6 0.125* 1.3 * Lower data rates are more optimally achieved with duty cycle. Martin, Motorola

6 Crystal-less Operation
January 2009 Crystal-less Operation IEEE uses O-QPSK with half-sine pulse shape Similar to minimum shift keying (MSK) FM or differential phase detection methods can be used Tolerant of frequency offsets and phase noise Modest (~ 4 dB) penalty in Eb/No compared to matched filter detection Frequency stability requirements scale with chip rate Enables use of alternative (crystal-less) frequency references Chip Rate (Mchip/s) Stability 2.4 GHz) Device-to-Device Max. Freq. Error 1 20 40 2 80 4 160 8 320 16 640 IEEE Martin, Motorola

7 Example: Differential Detection of 802.15.4
January 2009 Example: Differential Detection of Simulation Results for Matched filter detection is better when frequency error is small. Differential detection significantly extends frequency error tolerance. Differential Detection Matched Filter Detection Martin, Motorola

8 Start-of-Frame Delimiter
January 2009 Sync Burst Protocol Sync burst: Optional extended PHY preamble used to assist synchronization of crystal-less nodes Similar to the IEEE WRAN beacon protocol Comprised of Sync Header, PHY Header, small data field Just enough data (~ 2 bytes) to indicate time/frequency relative to sender Sync#2 Sync#1 Sync#0 1920 ppm 1280 ppm 640 ppm fc PSDU -640 ppm -1280 ppm -1920 ppm For a 16 Mchip/s device Demodulator tolerates 640 ppm frequency error. Three sync bursts extend error tolerance to 1920 ppm. Sync Burst Time/ Frequency Data Symbol Sync Start-of-Frame Delimiter PHY Header Martin, Motorola

9 Crystal-less operation -- advantages
January 2009 Crystal-less operation -- advantages -- Cost: Crystal cost is on order of 25% of total cost of single chip 15.4 node. -- Form Factor: The crystal is tallest component in the short range transceiver BOM. Reducing the height of a crystal costs $$$. -- Reliability: The crystal is the most fragile element in the short range transceiver BOM. -- Integration: Fewer parts = simpler manufacturing = lower cost Martin, Motorola

10 Scalable direct sequence waveform
January 2009 Summary Scalable direct sequence waveform Meets requirements of BAN Opportunity for crystal-less operation Further frequency error tolerance possible with sync burst protocol This is a PHY-layer partial proposal. We welcome collaboration with other proposers. Martin, Motorola

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