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The Aufmann/Lockwood Algebra Series

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1 The Aufmann/Lockwood Algebra Series
11/29/2018 Introducing . . . The Aufmann/Lockwood Algebra Series RICHARD AUFMANN and JOANNE LOCKWOOD

2 Develop a “Can Do” Attitude
Study Skills for Auffman Algebra text 11/29/2018 Develop a “Can Do” Attitude Be an active learner. Take responsibility for studying. Attend class. Participate in class discussions. Math is not a spectator sport! Do the homework—regularly! Create good study habits. Be an active learner. –Take responsibility for studying. – Attend class. – Participate in class discussions. People who feel part of a community are generally active in the community. This activity is rewarding to the participant and it benefits the community. The same is true for the community of the classroom. Students who participate in class become active learners who take responsibility for learning. They become successful students. Math is not a spectator sport! – Do the homework—regularly! – Create good study habits. Plan a time to study regularly. Studying a half-hour every day, which may not be enough, is better than spending three and one-half hours once a week. Do not go more than one day without doing some math. Learning math is much like learning to play the guitar, piano, golf, skateboard, or basketball. It cannot be achieved by watching. You must practice. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

3 Study Skills for Auffman Algebra text
11/29/2018 When Class Begins Read the syllabus and understand the course requirements. Find out where you can get help. Take complete notes in class. Ask a question when you are uncertain about a concept or how to solve a problem. Read the syllabus and understand the course requirements. The most important thing you must do is to know and understand the requirements outlined by your instructor. These requirements are usually given to you in a syllabus. Once you know what is required, you can chart a course of action. Find out where you can get help. All of us eventually need help, so know where you can get assistance with this class. This means knowing your instructor’s office hours, know the hours of the math help center, and how to access available online resources. Most schools have a math or tutorial center at which you can get help with this course. Determine the location of the math center and its hours of operation. Take complete notes in class. Try to take complete notes that include all steps to the solution of a problem. Don’t think “Oh, I’ll remember that.” Sometimes we forget. The notes you take can then be used as additional models for doing homework. If you miss part of a solution or important point, ask a classmate or your instructor after class. Ask a question when you are uncertain about a concept or how to solve a problem. Your instructor wants you to succeed and is willing to answer questions. Just ask! Stay away from statements such as “I don’t understand anything.” First, it is not true, and second, it does not help in finding the root of your confusion. If you don’t like asking questions in class, make arrangements to meet with your instructor. Do not put it off. Schedule an appointment as soon as possible or go to the math center. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

4 Study Skills for Auffman Algebra text
11/29/2018 Study Strategies Use flash cards for important definitions and formulas. Set aside time for study and homework. Form a study group. Keep up to date. Compare notes with a classmate. Now let’s looks a specific strategies that are used by successful students. These strategies can be applied to all you classes, not just math. Create flash cards for important definitions and formulas. Keep these flash cards with you. Any time they have a few minutes (waiting for a friend, on the subway),take them out and review them. Set aside time for study and homework. We mentioned earlier the need to practice regularly. One way to do this is to schedule your math class so that you have a free hour right after class. This is the perfect time to review the class material. Read important definitions and review important formulas. Rework the examples that were done in class. Once you have done this, begin the homework even if you have time to do only one or two problems. Form a study group. By studying with a friend or a group of friends, you can benefit from the help others in the group give to you and the group benefits by your help. One of the best ways to learn something is to try to explain it to someone else. Try to set a time each week for the group to meet. Keep up to date. We are back to the theme of doing math regularly. It is difficult to emphasize the importance of regular practice. Compare notes with a classmate. Comparing notes will help you and your classmate focus on the important points discussed in class. One place to do this is in your study group. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

5 Study Skills for Auffman Algebra text
11/29/2018 Preparing for a Test Start at least three days before the test. Read the Chapter Summary. Review every section. Do the Chapter Review Exercises. Do the Chapter Test. Start at least three days before the test. Preparing for a test should start well before the actual date. We recommend that you start at least three days before the exam. If you keep up with class assignments, preparing for a test will be much easier. Read the Chapter Summary. The chapter summary provides you with a condensed review of the entire chapter. If there are concepts in the chapter summary that are not clear, reread the section that contains that concept and do some of the exercises in that section. Review every section. Attempt about five problems from about the middle third of the exercise set. Do the Chapter Review Exercises. These exercises will help you review all the material in the chapter. The answers to all the chapter review exercises are in the answer section at the back of the text. There is a reference next to each answer that gives the chapter, section, and objective from which the exercise was taken. If you miss a question, go back to that objective and review the material. Do the Chapter Test. Set aside the amount of time allotted for the actual test, making sure there are no interruptions. Work through the test as if were the actual test. This is similar to musicians who completely rehearse a piece before making the actual recording. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

6 Text Features that Promote Success
Study Skills for Auffman Algebra text 11/29/2018 Text Features that Promote Success Focus on Success Objectives Prep Test Each Chapter Opener outlines the OBJECTIVES that appear in each section. The list of objectives serves as a resource to guide you in your study and review of the topics. FOCUS ON SUCCESS outlines what you need to know to be successful in the coming chapter. Complete each PREP TEST to determine which topics you may need to study more carefully, versus those you may only need to skim over to review. Answers to the Prep Test are in the Answer Section. Next to each answer is a reference to the chapter, section, and objective from which the question was taken. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

7 Study Skills for Auffman Algebra text
11/29/2018 Annotated Examples EXAMPLES provide detailed explanations of certain problems. POINT OF INTEREST TAKE NOTE In each section, the EXAMPLES provide detailed explanations of problems related to the corresponding objectives. Study these examples carefully. When you have finished studying the example, write the problem on a piece of paper and try to complete the problem without looking at the solution. Do this until you can complete the problem without a mistake. If it seems this requires a lot of work, it does. Again, think of successful artists or athletes. They work very hard to be successful. Do not let the work disrupt your goal of completing your program or degree. Notice the POINTS OF INTEREST. These are fun facts that relate to the math you are working on. TAKE NOTE boxes alert you to concepts that require special attention. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

8 Study Skills for Auffman Algebra text
11/29/2018 Interactive Examples “Focus On” Examples The FOCUS ON boxes alert you to the specific type of problem you must master in order to succeed with the homework exercises or on a test. Each FOCUS ON problem is accompanied by detailed explanations for each step in the solution. PROJECTS AND GROUP ACTIVITIES appear at the end of each set of exercises. Your instructor may also assign these individually, or you may be asked to work through them in groups. Projects & Group Activities Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

9 Use practice problems in text!
Study Skills for Auffman Algebra text 11/29/2018 Use practice problems in text! After every worked out example in the text, there is (a) a problem from the section exercises to attempt, and (b) another “problem” to attempt with the answer given. Full worked out steps for each “problem” in the “solutions to practice problems” at the end of the text. Use the Chapter Summary, Chapter Review Exercises, and the Chapter Test for study tools and additional practice questions; the answers to ALL review questions and chapter test questions are in the back of the textbook. Do not fall behind. Do not miss class. Keep up with assignments. Remind yourself why you are taking this course. Successfully completing this course puts you one step closer to your goal. Do not let the this course prevent you from your chosen career goal. Success demands effort. Yes, it is difficult to be successful. Ask any successful person how much effort was required to gain success. Nonetheless, if you really want to pursue the career goal you have in mind, work to achieve it. You can succeed! Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

10 Other Features that Promote Success
Study Skills for Auffman Algebra text 11/29/2018 Other Features that Promote Success “Focus on Success” vignettes “In the News” applications Student workbook WebAssign DVD tutorials “Focus on Success” Appears at the start of each Chapter Opener. These tips are designed to help you make the most of the text and your time as you progress through the course and prepare for tests and exams. “In the News” These new exercises help you see the usefulness of mathematics in our everyday world. They are based on information culled from popular media sources, including newspapers, magazines, and the internet. Student workbook The Student Workbook contains tests, activities, and worksheets. Use them for additional practice to help you master the concepts in the text. WebAssign If you are looking for extra practice or additional support, Enhanced WebAssign offers practice problems, videos, and tutorials that are tied directly to the problems found in the textbook. DVD tutorials The DVDs will help you to get a better handle on topics found in the textbook. A comprehensive set of DVDs for the entire course is available. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

11 Study Skills for Auffman Algebra text
11/29/2018 Stay Focused! Do not fall behind; stay on top of your work. Remind yourself why you are taking this course. Success demands effort! You can succeed! Do not fall behind. Do not miss class. Keep up with assignments. Remind yourself why you are taking this course. Successfully completing this course puts you one step closer to your goal. Do not let the this course prevent you from your chosen career goal. Success demands effort. Yes, it is difficult to be successful. Ask any successful person how much effort was required to gain success. Nonetheless, if you really want to pursue the career goal you have in mind, work to achieve it. You can succeed! Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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